Do you find yourself hiding under the covers at the very thought of socializing? Do crowds and complete strangers make you wish you could stay indoors for the rest of your life?
If so, you probably aren't a people person. And that's OK.
There are a ton of awesome, antisocial people out there. Doctor House, for instance.
If you can relate to any of the following situations, you probably aren't about that people life. Welcome to the club. (Of course, it's a club where we all avoid one another. Because ugh, small talk.)
1. You assume you won't like people, even before you meet them.
In fact, this is something your friends call you out on. Often.
2. Disliking people is basically habitual at this point.
It isn't your fault that they consistently prove you right.
3. You can't stand running into people you know in public.
Your Jedi mind powers just never seem to work when you need them.
4. You're not above making yourself look busy to avoid speaking to someone.
You just happen to get super swamped when other people are around. Total coincidence.
5. You firmly believe that all phone calls can and should be text messages.
But seriously, why did this require a full-fledged conversation?
7. Small talk makes you so, so uncomfortable.
They don't really want to know how you're doing, so why bother asking?
8. You don't comprehend why people find the need to voice half the things they do.
No, Karen. No one cares what you cooked for dinner last night.
9. You really try to act interested, but it's just so hard.
Don't worry. If you just say "wow" and "that's crazy" a lot, they'll think you're still listening.
10. You have zero patience for stupidity.
I mean, why can't people just think before opening their mouths?
11. Sometimes, you just can't control your facial expressions when people speak.
If your friends are constantly telling you to "fix your face," this one's for you.
12. You've been known to offend someone every now and again.
You almost feel bad, but they probably deserved it.
13. Interacting with other humans all day really takes its toll on you.
Who knew putting on a friendly face could be so exhausting?
14. Going over your people limit really isn't great for your mental health.
Or your liver, for that matter.
15. Lonely isn't a concept you're familiar with.
Wait a minute. There are people who actually dislike spending time by themselves?
16. The only people you do enjoy spending time with are people like you.
Other weird, antisocial humans? Don't you mean best friends?