I have recently come to the conclusion that women in society are expected to be passive. We are expected to sit back and silently observe, while simultaneously being expected to form opinions that we aren't allowed to speak. I have always struggled with this idea, because I have never been someone who kept her thoughts and feelings to myself.
As young as 9 and 10, I was being told certain things I said should not be said because they weren't ladylike or appropriate. I was told not to say things that were too honest. And I have slowly come to realize, the more people I meet who are passive aggressive, that I am simply not a passive aggressive, or even a passive person. I simply cannot sit back idly and watch things happen around me.
I was made to use the voice I am given. I was made to let the world know what I think and feel. I was made to let the world know what I believe in. I was made to let the world know what I believe to be right and wrong. So many people often seem amazed by my willingness to speak my mind, and this is a frustrating fact of life for someone like me. You see, as I said above, women are expected to be passive. So when I open my loud bitch mouth, and out comes a stream of cuss words and very strong opinions, all spoken in a very loud and expressive voice and tone, people are often shocked that I am not the passive, quiet, uninvolved woman they expected me to be. And its sad and unfair, not just to women like me, but all women, that women are assumed and expected to be these passive, quiet, mousy individuals.
I am not passive aggressive, so do not look at me like I have three heads when I don't act passive aggressive. I am aggressive, I am assertive, I am known by my friends for my confidence, loud mouth, and wit. I will not sit back quietly and listen. I will ask questions and challenge you and your thinking, and I will form opinions, good and bad, which you will hear about.
I am not passive aggressive, and a day will not come anytime soon where that label suits me and the words I speak. So do not walk up to me expecting me to be a mouse. Walk up to me ready to hear honesty, and to see fire in my eyes. Otherwise, you will be sorely disappointed. And I will not care.