I am not a part of the LGBT+ community. I was not given the chance to be a part of such a uniquely beautiful and progressive group of people. I will never be part of this culture of inspiring and strong people who have brought so much change to the world.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community. I knew that I was not a part of this community my entire life, just as members of the community knew that they were a part of it. I do not get to choose if I am a part of it because I simply am not. It works the same way for those who are a part of the community.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community, but I have numerous friends who are. I grew up doing theater and went to a performing arts high school where I was given the pleasure of meeting some of the best people I will ever know on this earth, the ones who showed me how it is to live as an LGBT+ youth.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community so I do not understand how people who have been shown so much hatred by the world are also some of the most giving and genuine people I have ever met. These people who have faced extreme hardships would never wish that on another person, so they are some of the kindest, least judgmental people I know.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community so I do not understand how it would feel to come out to a less than supportive and understanding family. I do not know how it feels to be shunned by peers, teachers, and even my own family for simply being myself.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community and I do not know how it feels to live in a world where you are hated for loving who you want to love.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community, but I am grieving. I grieve the loss of 50 beautiful, innocent humans who went out on a Saturday night to have fun and be around people who loved and understood them. I grieve for those who lost members of their community, their LGBT+ brothers and sisters who have already suffered so much in life.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community and I am filled with so much anger for them.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community and I am so sorry that there are still people filled with so much hatred for the way you live your lives. We as a society have made beautiful progressions in so many ways. We recently received national marriage equality for all and are beginning to allow trans men and women to use the restroom that they would feel comfortable using, but it doesn't end there. It will never end. As long as people are hateful, we will see extreme instances of homophobia like we, sadly, had to witness early last Sunday morning.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community, but I want change for them. I want a better future for my children. I want to live in a world where it doesn't matter whether you are gay, straight, transsexual, or bisexual. We are all human.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community, but I am an ally.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community, but I will fight for them. I will fight for a better world. I will fight for equality and celebrate being true to yourself, no matter your sexuality. All Americans deserve the freedom to be themselves and live without the fear that there are hateful people in our nation who want them dead. I will grieve the lives of those 50 innocents with the LGBT+ community and fight right alongside all of my gay, bisexual, and trans friends.
I am not a part of the LGBT+ community, but one day I might have a child who is. Hopefully by then, we will change the world so that individuality is celebrated and we do not kill people because we disagree with their lifestyle.
To those in the LGBT+ community: I am with you.