Before I continue, I want to make it clear that I am not a part of the black or latinx community and I understand that my thoughts and feelings can in no way relate to their experiences and I apologize for any misconceptions that may occur.
Recently, an article was published claiming Alexander Wang’s new t-shirts were super exclusive and unique. However, this lead to a lot of backlash as people realized that these shirts weren’t shit! The shirts, pictured below, were just airbrushed t-shirts that many different groups claim to have grown up with. Some people claimed that these shirts were simply found in their local mall or clothing stores as they grew up as children. I mean, they are just airbrushed t-shirts! In my opinion, I think that Alexander Wang took a part of minority culture, specifically the black and latinx culture, and tried to claim it as something new and original.
Tweets below exemplify the outrage within these minority communities as once again, a popular celebrity or brand has stolen something from this minority culture and reclaimed it as something unique and exclusive.
People love to claim another culture as their own. However, when it comes time to actually face the negativity and racism that many groups face, people stand quiet. While celebrities like Kylie and Justin Bieber proudly copy black culture, but then stand quiet once it comes time to talk about black issues and rights, there can be no hope for progress in our society. When these celebrities have such big pedestals on which they can combat large issues, they should be able to speak out. When they can proudly claim this culture as their own, they should not stand quiet when this culture faces actual issues and negativity.