Maybe you can't find that one assignment that was due for class today.
Or maybe you were late for an appointment you swore was at 3 when it was clearly at 2.
You may be aggravated at the abundance of papers, assignments, and miscellaneous dates that should be in order, but aren't.
Getting organized is the easy solution to all of this! It is back to school season and one of the hardest tasks for anyone is after a summer off, or a semester off is to get organized again. You may not even be in school but your stuff needs a little TLC in the organization department. It's an easy process, but sometimes you do not know what you need to get the task done. Here are my top tips to start the track on organization.
A Planner
A planner is one of the simplest ways to keep yourself on track with assignments, appointments, due dates, events, holidays and whatever you may need to remember. Not only is it beneficial for school reasons, but it can also help organize your personal life! You can easily jot down whatever occasion that needs to be remembered and it can be easily used for reference. With a planner you also get a range of options.
Planners are available in weekly, monthly and even daily layouts and come in a wide range of styles and sizes so your planner can look like a reflection of your personality and style. These various styles are essential for students who have multiple classes and schedules that can make anyone shudder in fear. So, instead of trying to remember everything mentally just writing it down will help you remember it also. Simple but effective!
I’m not saying make a crazy extensive grocery list, but try a more advanced to-do list. As we become older and busier, each day is another round of endless tasks, chores and errands. You know exactly how you feel when you finally settle home after a long day and you realize as you are on Netflix twenty minutes into a new episode, and you forgot to do something. Lists can help this! This can go hand in hand with your planner from number one quite nicely.
Start the day and make a broad list of things that need to be done. My suggestion is to find a pad of paper and pick a favorite pen and highlighter and start turning it into a habit! Maybe consider installing a whiteboard or chalkboard in your home. We all know the satisfaction of creating a list and checking things off, so make it enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing! So as your day, week, or month goes by you can cross off things one by one and give yourself a little pat on the back for completing your tasks. You could even create it in chronological order, order of importance, etc.
This will lead to higher productivity and helps with time management and prioritizing! You will learn to knock the more important and longer tasks off your list. You will also learn that forgetting (or maybe even procrastinating) is not very fun in the long run.
Another tip: Leave your lists in places you frequently visit if the planner isn’t your type of style. The bathroom, kitchen, coffee table, fridge etc.
You could also even make lists of your goals! Lists can help you remember everyday tasks, and your short term and long term endeavors.
A routine. We all have them, each one personalized and different from any other person. Creating a routine is one of the easiest ways to make each day a little more more concise and make room for other activities. Here are some examples:
Every night, pick out out outfit the day before, go through your planner, or list, or your mental checklist of what needs to get done tomorrow. Write down any new events or appointments before bed, so that in the morning you are not a scrambling mess.
Or every day on the ride to work if you take a train, bus etc. Go over your planner and look at the days and weeks that are coming up and take a glance and remind yourself of what's coming next.
You could even do this with simple household stuff such as doing the laundry when your favorite TV show is on, or always rinse and dry your plate when you're done with a meal.
For school, when you wake up, look over your notes or flashcards for 20 minutes before showering or while eating breakfast. Repeat this at night before you go to bed, while you are waiting for your food to cook, etc. This will ensure that with your other study time you are keeping yourself aware and the information always in your mind. You will see a major improvement in how you learn and how much information you retain.
Routines like this are easy to integrate into our daily lives, so take the time and energy to focus on these because you'll achieve more in the long run. Why do extra work when you don't have to?
Start fresh
Start fresh! Yes, clean slate! That is one of the most productive ways to get organized! I, personally wholeheartedly agree that cleaning out old junk is one of the best ways to straighten things out and have a fresh look on everything before you go all in.
Start small! Clean out your wallet, car, purse, backpack anything that you use on a day to to day basis. There is no need to hoard old things, keep the sentimental items but donate or recycle whatever is not of use to you anymore! Then you can move onto your room, cleaning out closets, bookshelves and much more. You could even sell your clothes or items and make some cash off of your stuff! One man's trash is another man's treasure. The act of cleaning everything and throwing things away helps you feel accomplished and cleaner. Start with a clean slate.
The best way is to start fresh, and then the possibilities are endless.
It doesn't matter the rhyme or reason, getting organized can be a project that will benefit you! Give yourself some love and do it for you! You will be happy mentally and physically without all the unwanted stress. So now you won't have to miss an appointment or cram for a test. How much better can it get?