High school. For some, the worst four years of their life and for some, the best. Personally, high school was somewhere in the middle. My freshman year, I had some pretty shitty friends. They didn’t encourage me like they should have and constantly made me feel like I was second class. There was also a lot of unnecessary drama that followed me for no absolute reason. My sophomore year, I moved three times (thanks, U.S. Army) so I didn’t have a stable friend group or a stable home environment. But coming into my junior year, I found my place. I found a group of people that understood me and welcomed my quirkiness.
I met my best friend during my junior year. I joined the band program that would eventually change me in many ways. A lot of things happened my junior year that I’m immensely grateful for, but I can’t say I’d be willing to walk back into.
I’ve always heard my parents talk about how great their high school years were. They had great friends, met each other, and just all around were very popular and well liked. Completely opposite of me. I was a band nerd who did really well in school. I was every stereotype of a nerd you could conjure up. I was good at math and science. I was in band. I was in a lot of advanced classes. I could continue, but I’ll save you the trouble of hearing my gruesome high school life.
During my senior year, I grew into the person I am today. I found a group of freshman who needed my help and willingly accepted it and I became like a mom, not only to them but to a lot of other people who knew me. I celebrated their accomplishments and supported them when they didn’t quite make it. I was a big fish in a small pond and I liked it that way.
And then I graduated.
The big fish was then thrown into the ocean and I have to say, it was one of the best things that happened to me.
I grew up.
Now I’m not saying I was immature in high school, but I was nowhere near where I am now. In high school, I was 99 percent sure I could walk around campus and find someone to talk to within five minutes of walking. In college, no one really cared about me unless I was in their way. That was humbling. A humility lesson I needed.
High school was fun while it lasted. I cannot understand how others can honestly say they would go back to high school for any sum of money. There’s nothing that would make me relive high school.
“High school isn't a very important place. When you're going you think it's a big deal, but when it's over nobody really thinks it was great unless they're beered up.” - Stephen King, "Carrie"