Been through a breakup lately? Wherever you go are you haunted by songs depicting both the falling in and falling out of love? I've been there for sure. Your entire music library is so full of love and you're not. Every song you listen to reminds you of them.
I'd like to propose a solution to your problem!
Here I've compiled a list of songs I found in my music library that don't have ANYTHING to do with love. Well, at least, not on the surface level or any deeper meaning I've gathered from loving and listening to the song in the past.
I actually only went from A to D in my music library, so if this is something you like let me know and I'll write a sequel! Or I may not even ask and just do it for fun! I had a good time scrolling through and distinguishing the squishy songs from the more solid ones.
Fasten your headphones, here we go!
1. "Alive" by Khalid
If you're sad, here's one that may help keep you in your feels. Sorry about that, it's just the way the cookie crumbled. I take this song to be about someone struggling with their mental health while also figuring out how to navigate a more difficult life and actually feel something. Wow, pretty deep. Anyways, Khalid is a wonderful lyricist and this is actually my favorite song off his most recent full-length album Free Spirit. Really beautiful song, and when you're in a better mood, he's got many a love song to go around.
2. "All Night Longer" by Sammy Adams
Hereeee we go. This is one to get you back up and dancing. If you're in the drinkin' and dancin' mood, this song is a favorite of mine to just go hard and ensure everyone's down to have a good time until the sun comes up. Pretty simple! I recommend jumping and singing along with your ride-or-die's that are helping you through this time you're going through. This one's for the homies.
3. "Angel On Fire" by Halsey
Sorry to bring the tempo down and put you down in the dumps again, but this song really hits home for me when I'm in a low place. It's great for when you feel like you were on the top of the world at one point of your life but now you're just a blur in the background. Belt this one when you're alone, yell at the world and remind them how important you are. Go get 'em!
4. "The Anthem" by Good Charlotte
And to to boost you back up again is good 'ol GC! This throwback will not only have your head bopping around in hazy, rock and roll nostalgia, but will help you feel better! Because you don't want to be them, to kind of quote them. It's not exactly a feel-good song, but it will definitely make you feel better.
5. "Bibia Be Ye Ye" by Ed Sheeran
Speaking of feel-good songs, this whacky one won't have you down in the dumps at all! There's no possible way, with it's upbeat, light-hearted, and all about getting up and starting over when you've been knocked off course. The song title itself means "everything will be alright." Everything will start looking up, especially since if you're feeling low, there's no other way to go! This is a good dancing by yourself in your room song. Put this on your feel-good playlist for sure.
6. "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars
Is the name tugging at your brain cells? This is another throwback that will have you dancing and singing in a nostalgic haze that cannot possibly make you feel worse. It'll have you dreaming about what you'd do with a couple billion instead of the reason why you've been down for sure. Maybe it'll even motivate you to keep grinding so you actually become a billionaire one day!
7. "Break My Face" by AJR
AJR actually has a ton of songs that aren't about love! Or anything really at all, they can be a bit abstract at times. This is one I stumbled across during my scroll and thought it would be a good one to include in this list while also plugging AJR. The chorus is all about saying that yeah I broke my face, but it's not the worst thing that can happen and this isn't the worst day I've ever had, "my face is just my face." While you're sad and it's completely valid for you to feel that way, it will pass and you'll be okay. The song does say many times "I'm okay," and you will be too.
This one's perfect if you're in the ~revenge~ mood. If you're angry at someone, for sure give this one a listen. I'm sure shouting at the top of your lungs "I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die" might put a smile on your face, even for a half a second. This song is on the edgier side of the ones I've listed so far. IDKHBTFM is also another really good group to check out in general. They have a lot of good songs. It's also got a subtle jazzy kick to it, which is always fun.
9. "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen
Now let's bring a classic into the mix! This is my favorite Queen song, it's so fun to dance to. Electric, lively, and in the incredible Queen style we all know and love. This one is also about a wild night out, so maybe fit this one in with "All Night Longer" somewhere. Like that song, this one'll pump you up and have you in a better mood in no time.
10. "Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time" by Panic! At the Disco
Annnddd to close it out, another song about a crazy night. I think this one trumps the other songs about nights out. I won't tell you why. . . that I'll leave for you to figure out for yourself. Again, this one is another great song to drink to (if you're of age of course) and lose your mind while having the best time forgetting about your responsibilities and woes. If you're not taking that fun time for yourself yet that you used to spend with another person; the sooner you do it the better you'll feel. Surround yourself with those that actuallycare about you, you'll feel the difference.
And that's all I got for you for now!
I hope these songs have made you feel better and refreshed your playlist! Add those last few to your "In My Feels" playlist then get to work building your phoenix rising from the ashes one! You'll bounce back (another great song that would work well in this list that I, unfortunately, forgot about. Bounce Back by Big Sean. A bonus song) in no time.
Happy jamming! (and healing, you got this!)