In today's quick-to-judge society, the simplest of situations can oftentimes get misconstrued. Someone that sits alone, walks to class alone, or spends time alone in their room can so easily be considered a loner. The term loner is defined as "someone who prefers not to associate with others." The Urban Dictionary uses the phrase freaks in their definition, assuming those who are loners are also freaks.
I am no freak.
I am in no way a loner, as I do like to associate with others. Yes, I do sometimes sit alone as I eat my dinner after swim practice, I do sometimes walk to class alone in the early mornings, and I do sometimes spend time alone in my room. However, the key word in those sentences is sometimes.For someone to instantly look at me and consider me a loner as I sit by myself would be too quick to judge. Just because someone may be alone in a particular moment does not classify them to be a loner in all aspects of their life. It is nearly impossible to have someone by your side every minute of every day. Especially in college as everyone has their own schedule. I love being able to spend time with my friends but there is a time for everything. When the opportunity arises for us to meet for lunch or walk to class together, we almost always take advantage of it.
During the moments I spend alone, I prefer to think of myself as independent. I am capable of doing things on my own as I am "not depending on another for livelihood" as the definition for independent states. I do not mind time alone. Time alone allows for clear thinking, work to get done without the distraction of others, reflection of yourself, and reinstating your goals and values.
If you see someone sitting alone, take time to think about the time you spend alone. Maybe even go out of your way to join them in what they are doing as opposed to judging their situation.
Overall, the point I am trying to make is the age old metaphorical phrase, "don't judge a book by its cover." Those who embrace independence should not be misunderstood-- they are not loners.