So you've divided up your giant pile of Greek apparel, you've used enough paint and glitter to decorate an entire dorm room, you've bought enough snacks to feed a small village, and finally your baskets are complete. Last year, you wouldn't have thought twice about the amount of effort that goes into making big/little week amazing. But now someone is looking up to you, like you did to your own big last year, and you want her week to be perfect too. However, what you didn't realize last year was that aside from getting the artsy baskets, the trendy crafts, and the endless cute shirts, is that you also received a family.
Being on the other side of big/little week means it's now our turn to be that family, those role models, the away-from-home big sisters, and the best friends. After big/little reveal comes the "honeymoon stage." You know what I'm talking about, the "I'm obsessed with my little" posts all over Instagram and Facebook. And while that probably is true, (I mean, would you endure that many hot glue gun burns for someone you weren't obsessed with?) it's our job to make sure she feels this special to you forever, not just for a month or two.
As a new big you're probably both excited and terrified. For starters, you're not the center of attention anymore and giving up the spotlight may take some getting used to. But mainly you have a new sense of responsibility for her. You want to take her out and show her off to the world because you're just so proud of her, but you're also not afraid to fight any guy that gets too close. Love her unconditionally because she is yours to call your own forever and ever.
And to all the grandbigs and great-grandbigs out there (yes, I'm talking to you!), your job isn't over yet either! Who else has the knowledge to tell the newest addition to your fam that the senior guy who "really likes her" also "really likes" five other girls in her pledge class? Freshmen need you older girls for your college advice, I know I sure did. Teach them not to make the mistakes you did your freshman year! Oh and PS, don't be scared to learn a thing or two from your new grand little either. She'll keep you young when the real world is getting the best of you.
Last year I was lucky enough to join a group of girls who taught me the true meaning of a college family. Whether it was teaching me to be strong and "cry on the inside like a winner" or sharing their bed with me when I cried on the outside, they were always there. Some girls didn't get that experience, and to them I say, start now with your own little. Finding your little is by far the best part about sophomore year and your baskets probably freaking rocked, so be proud of them. But this side of big/little week is so much more than that. Be more proud of your little and the examples you get to set for her.