I really am not just "me". I am little bits and pieces of every person I have ever hung out with for extended periods of time. You can't possibly tell me that you've never realized that you accidentally did or said something that you never would have done if it weren't for one of your friends. I do it all of the time.
Society as a whole tries to dictate who you are, by forcing cultures down our throats and saying we're not good enough if we aren't like them. I've never really been one for the whole blindly follow social norms thing; if you're good enough friends with me you'd know that. I like to do me.
But recently I've started to realize and remember that who I am, whether I like it or not, really does change based on the characteristics of the people I surround myself with.
I catch myself saying things like "rad" and "yee," which, isn't really something I ever would've said in normal conversation. That is, until I met my best friend in college. I give myself the right of expression of fangirling thanks to my best friend from high school. I hum and even occasionally sing aloud the lyrics of songs stuck in my head because of a friend I got to know due to staying up until 4am once, studying for a calculus test. I have certain very specific habits, which I picked up from my boyfriend since we spend a lot of time together. I am patient and driven and hard working because of who my parents are. I've been trying out new leadership positions and research and making more connections because of the people in my life who have shown me that those things are invaluable. I'm unafraid to dance on the dance floor because of the seemingly fearless girls I went to high school with. I put my all on the courts when I play volleyball for PE credit because of the coaches who instilled that spirit in me. I'm slightly boy crazy due to some of my favorite tennis partners. I listen to electroswing and think of things philosophically on occasion because of a cool guy I met on my floor freshman year.
I could have this list go on and on for eons and still find more examples of how other people have really influenced who I am. The people I have the most contact with are usually the ones who leave the longest lasting impressions. So to anyone who I've called a friend, a comrade, know that I carry a piece of you around with me always. I'm a firm believer that there is a reason everyone is put into your life, and I thank you all for the amazing experiences thus far. I've spent 20 short years on this planet, so I expect to pick up quite a few more bits of the many other people I will meet in the years ahead of me. Know that I'm still me, but I am a unique collection of characteristics picked up from those around me.