Let's face the facts, we all have judged someone based on their appearances at least once in our lives. It's just human nature, sometimes we really can't help it.
Picture this, you see a girl dressed in all black wearing a My Chemical Romance t-shirt. She has dark eyeshadow on, purple lipstick and she's blasting what sounds like scream-o music through her earbuds. What thoughts pop into your head?
Do you just assume she's an emotional, dark person based on her appearances? Or do you think she's a girl who goes to church every Sunday and listens to country music?
Here is the truth, she could be both of these people. Who's to say you can't dress a certain way yet but completely different then what you look like? Why do we have to be placed into these boxes that society choses for us?
Why is it that we have these stereotypes and just assume things about people based on this. For instance, some people in my building found out I'm in a sorority and automatically thought the worst of me. Why is it that people judge me based on that fact?
Yes, I'm a sorority girl but in the best way possible. I chose to be in a sorority for the philanthropy, leadership opportunities and sisterhood. I can promise you right now that girls don't just join sororities for parties. Maybe some girls do, I'm not sure, but all my sorority sisters that I've met and know are part of the sorority for reasons that I can't even begin to explain to you. You can't just go basing sorority girls off of what you see in movies or other girls that you may know, we aren't all like that.
I was in an a cappella group for a while and all I would ever hear is "oh that's so nerdy" or get judgmental looks from people who barely know me. For some reason people tend to look at things that aren't sports or greek life as unimportant or lame in college. Of course, not everyone you meet is like that. Some people actually found it to be something extremely fascinating and cool that I did and I did too.
I know it's human nature to judge people based on appearances or even just knowing little things about them, but that needs to stop. You can't just assume you know everything about a person by knowing a couple facts about them or just seeing them on the street and guessing what they're like. Get to really know someone before judging them and stop stereotyping.