The semester, and what little free time you do have, is flying by, so let me get to the point; it's okay not to graduate "on-time". To get an accredited four-year degree from a university, you have to cram in at least one-hundred-and-twenty credits worth of classes, a part-time job or three, and necessary self-care like sleep- where is the fun in that?!
If you aren't careful, the words "I have to finish college in four years or else I am dumb and doomed," get ingrained into your head. If you're not careful, those words will become your anthem and college will get much harder. Graduating will become your priority and life, with its fun times and joyous occasions, will take a back seat. When you look back in a few years after working super hard to get a degree that may or may not get you a good paying job, do you really want to remember that you did nothing of fun or frivolous? I don't think you want that so let me help you;
Don't be afraid of not graduating "on time"!
Right now, I am a 4th-year middle-grade prep education major who is gonna need a whole FIFTH year to finish her degree (I bet some science majors are laughing at how long it's taking me to get my education degree... education is not as easy as it looks my fellow science friends). I have had to constantly remind myself that neither my ability to enjoy life nor my self-worth is dependent on me receiving my degree.
When I was a sophomore in college, I was confronted with two options: continue through my degree program, minus the minors I wanted and the opportunities I deserved, like studying abroad, or stay in school longer. I chose to push forward, minor(s), study abroad opportunities, and all- I have no regrets. I have enjoyed every second of my time in college and I've come to the conclusion that with or without my degree in hand, I am going to live my life to the fullest!
All that being said, here is what I need you to take away from this little article-
It is not your destination that matters, it's your journey. Keep walking towards your purpose, and by all means, walk with a purpose. But, stop and marvel at the wonders of the universe while you carry on toward greatness!
In 2020 when they hand me my degree a year later then I was "supposed" to receive it, I will be satisfied knowing that I lived my life to the fullest WHILE working toward my middle grades prep education degree (and my minors in reading and civic in professional leadership, and my trip to South Africa and the Cayman Islands... and much more).
The tortoise always bets the hair!