Not goodbye, just 'see ya later'
"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
We all will reach the time we leave our home base, and move toward the beginnings of our new lives. Some will leave before others, but we all have the moment our heart strings are pulled as we back out of the driveway for the last time.
The one thing I'm thankful for, in this time of change and fear, is knowing my home base will stay strong for me in the moments I can't be. That it's never a goodbye, simply a see you later. That there will never come a time I couldn't fill my tank and race home to find open arms, the same arms who have helped me up and brushed me off when I fall. The same arms who have been there from the moment I was born.
And this is the time that I leave to find myself, to find my path that's been laid out and written for me. It's the time that I explore new places, meet new faces, and make my trace on the world.
For those who have watched me go, let me say thank you. Thank you for believing in me when the road seemed dark, and wishing me nothing but success. Thank you for endless, unwavering love, and for the patience and the strength to let me go. Thank you for being my biggest fans, and the happiness I have knowing soon I will be back sharing stories and memories.
Others may have it easier, but I'm thankful mine is so hard. I'm thankful that leaving my home and those I love is the hardest thing to date I've had to do. Because no matter the time apart or distance between, it'll never be goodbye.