Being born and raised in Miami, FL made my transition to come all the way to Alabama a little more difficult than I expected. But here I am three years later and I do not regret my decision one bit.
I have grown to become more independent and mature and go outside of my comfort zone more than I would have ever imagined if I stayed in state for college. With my junior year coming to a close there are lots of changes that will go into effect starting this summer.
Friends graduate early, some transfer back home and some just end up drifting away after time. No one prepared you for this moment in your life where you have to part ways with some of your closest friends that you have made while being in college.
There is no way to describe the feeling you have when you are preparing for finals but at the same time trying to hold back the tears of friends leaving.
Having someone within a five-minute drive from your apartment and to always pick up the phone on the first ring is something to treasure. To help you overcome fears and troubles along the way. I consider these people as my family because they are what I have here at school.
After a long day of classes and checking my phone to see that I have missed calls and text messages from my friends inviting me to go eat dinner or go run a silly and pointless errand puts a smile on my face because these are my people.
To all you "Grey's Anatomy" fans, yes I do have a person I have had one since high school but I have more than one person and I thank the lucky stars that I have been able to meet some amazing people in my life up to this point.
To my best friend who I met freshman year and everyone else I have encountered along the way:
Thank you for being you, don't change one bit, don't forget about me when summer begins and most importantly it's not a goodbye... I'll see you later.