You are not for everyone.
And I know that you’ve probably heard this before
But it’s good to hear it again—and probably better in the long run.
I share your desire to be with someone
Who fully accepts the secrets your soul has desperately poured
Out. But remember in your desperate search that you are not for everyone.
For there are songs your heart will sing with little to no caution
Whose melodies some will claim they do not care for.
Live how you see fit—because nothing else matters in the long run.
Not the storms you have weathered with no friends or preparation
Nor the passions you nurtured despite lack of support.
You’re still plenty strong and wonderful and totally not for everyone.
Above all, you must learn to forgive so your poor, old soul isn’t undone
By the few naysayers whom the intelligent have long since learned to ignore.
Trust me, this will be better for you in the long run.
And in the ever-so-noisy confusion
Of life, remember to keep peace in your soul, and look for
The “you” that’s not for everyone.
So things are better in the long run.