I have always believed that everyone has a lesson to teach. We rarely realize what we have learned, but it helps us grow. It shapes who we are. Some people only have one lesson to teach. Frequently after the lesson is taught there is no reason for them to stick around. This is one reason why certain people are not meant to remain in your life.
Not everyone who enters your life will stay for a long time. This applies to an ex that you struggled to get over. One of the lessons they can teach is that you are better off without them. You will learn to live on your own again. At first it feels like you can’t, but they are not meant to stay. They are teaching you that you can and will get back on your feet. They teach you that all you need is yourself to be happy.
There are best friends that you thought would be around forever. The type of friends you envisioned yourself meeting at Panera Bread every week, even in your 70s. You never once imagined life without them by your side. The friendship begins to dwindle. Initially it happens at rate that you fail to notice your best friend is slowly becoming someone that you once knew. They were once such an important part of your life. You never saw it coming. This is where we need to realize real friends cannot be lost. The lesson to be learned is not every offer of friendship is genuine or meant to last. Some people only form relationships with others to benefit themselves. They see something in someone that can be used to their advantage and they act on it. Once they no longer need the benefits of your friend, you are left behind, something of the past.
While sometimes we reminisce on those that are no longer a part of our life, we need to focus on the people that are. We need to appreciate them and value everything they do for us. While these people may come and go like others, and hurt us, we need to appreciate the lessons. We need to open our eyes to what we are supposed to learn and how we are supposed to grow.