Toxic relationships can destroy everything you have ever thought you had. They will take over your entire life, because you will constantly be looking to repair them and it's something you can't do when only you see a problem. You see, all through my life I've always been made to say I'm sorry when I have nothing to apologize for. At what point is enough, enough?
Today, right this moment is enough. You always need to forgive that person so that you can have peace within yourself. Forget what they did. For you. Forgive every bad day, word and sentence they ever said. None of it will matter soon enough. The best thing you can ever do is to let go of them and who they were to you. As I say this, know it doesn't mean you allow them back around to do the same thing. Never try to force a relationship in which it leaves you feeling worse than before you came in.
Know that not everyone will be on your side, and you'll be better for it. On your journey, you will pick a lot of people up along the way but not everyone is meant to ride the whole ride with you. Be thankful you don't have to keep them around, and they don't have to keep you. You need to be thankful for those you drop off because they just steer you to a better place, a better you if you do it right.
Now you could sit there and be mad for many, many years to come. Every time you see them, you make a big scene. You could tell everyone about them, which I've done. All of it. I've let my anger get the best of me many times. I'm not speaking out of perfection, I'm speaking from my own lessons. I'm speaking out of times where I should've shut up and kept it pushing. I am also speaking out of a time where I should've let it go the first time and didn't.
Red flags are red flags whether it's family or friends or colleagues. If you can't speak to someone else because they twist everything around on you, then don't speak to them at all. Titles are nice and fun, but they make people hurt more than anything, hanging onto something that was never there to begin with.
Finally, I want to say that the people that come along and show you they are genuine, good hearted people, hang on to them. They will be worth holding onto or apologizing to. They will also return the favor. The relationships you should keep around will admit when they are wrong, they will love you unconditionally, and you will never wonder where you stand. Let go of those who blame you for everything bad, and surround yourself with people who take responsibility. It will make all the difference in the world.