After watching the movie Austenland that one of our own writers (shoutout to Gabi!) recommended me, I couldn't help but think how sometimes us girls put too much expectations on guys we want to date.
As much as we all want to have dreamy and mysterious Darcy at our beck and call, not every guy is gonna be like him, if any at all. Mainly because he's a fictional character created by a popular author aeons ago but that's not the point.
SEE ALSO: Austenland: 4 Differences Between The Book And The Movie
We want the guy who is absolutely picture-perfect, calls us every night, a great listener, always has the right words to say, makes us laugh, not too tall but tall enough, sensible, mysterious, the bad boy that can be saved, gets along with our friends, wonderful smile, particular physical things, and the list goes on. Why does the guy have to check off everything on your list in order for you to date him? What if the perfect guy is right in front of you and because of your unrealistic expectations, you're not even giving him a chance?
SEE ALSO: Maybe You Have Already Met The Right Person, You Just Aren’t Ready To Fall In Love
Do you know why Elizabeth and Darcy fit so well together, it's because they found in each other something that was lacking in themselves. She found in Darcy someone who she could trust would always be loyal to her and most importantly respect her as a woman. And Darcy in turn opened Elizabeth's eyes to her prejudice and snap judgements of people.
When you get to the point that you can distinguish what is real and what is not, you will be a much happier person. Guys are humans just like the rest of us and will not necessarily have everything you want but that's okay. You don't want a perfect boyfriend because perfect doesn't exist.
You want someone who will embody the characteristics YOU need, not just want but NEED. If anything is to be goals in life than that would be it.