I'm Not Emotional, I'm... | The Odyssey Online
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I'm Not Emotional, I'm...

"It's a natural instinctive state of mind..."

I'm Not Emotional, I'm...

Smart. I'm emotionally smart. When you talk, I get you. Whenever you explain things, I just get you. I don't have to think about it, I don't have to search for it. For some reason, I just resonate with how you're feeling and what you're saying. When you speak, I listen to more than just your words. I pay attention to your body language, how you speak, and your true motives and intentions.

The word emotional usually has a negative connotation. Often times you hear people say, "wow she's sooo emotional," as if being whatever you're considering "emotional" is wrong or bad. You also hear people say "I don't do emotions."

My thing is... What do you mean by you don't "do emotions?" How do you 'do' or 'not do' a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from circumstances, mood, or relationships with others? What might be meant by "I don't do emotions" is that you suppress your emotions, typically negative ones. Emotions define us as humans and they are one of the ways in which we connect with ourselves and others. Suppressing emotions means you have chosen to not acknowledge how you're feeling (or even how others are feeling) in order to act on those emotions in a healthy way. Suppressing emotions can lead to mood swings, depression and unexplained sadness.

If you love someone, whether it's a friend, a family member or a significant other, you do 'do' emotions, because you feel that you care for that person.

I think that what people don't understand is that being emotional is not what it's made out to be.

Being emotional doesn't mean I'm crying during every love song or romantic movie. It doesn't mean that when I have a little bruise on my arm that I'm bawling my eyes out. And it sure does not mean that I cry all the time and that every single thing I do is centered around my emotions.

Emotional does not mean sensitive.

Emotionally intelligent means I'm able to recognize, understand and manage my own emotions as well as recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. The truth is, I am just very in tune with my own emotions and the emotions of others. Emotionally intelligent means that I don't suppress my emotions when I'm feeling a certain way, or hide the fact that I'm sad, mad, disappointed or whatever other emotion I'm feeling. It means that I accept that emotion, deal with it, and then move on. I understand myself and others on a deeper level that develops from empathy and consciousness. I respect my own emotions and the emotions of others, and I realize the importance of being aware of emotions because they do in fact, effect psychological and even physiological well-being.

According to research, emotional intelligence is related to increased psychological well-being, self-esteem, self-acceptance and life satisfaction. Emotional intelligence is even related to better communication skills, ability to reduce stress and anxiety, conflict resolving skills, effectively overcoming challenges, and improving relationships with others. Emotional intelligence affects all areas of life, including home, relationships with friends, and even success in the workplace. Emotional intelligence is a good determinate for success in the workplace, effective leadership skills, and positive relationships.

Take pride in being connected to your emotions, because it's a very important skill that leads to many benefits. Next time someone calls you emotional, say "I'm not emotional, I'm emotionally intelligent."

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