44 Things To Avoid At All Costs During Midterms Week | The Odyssey Online
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44 Things To Avoid At All Costs During Midterms Week

Because we all have a little procrastination in our systems.

44 Things To Avoid At All Costs During Midterms Week

Midterms week is a lot like finals week, all college students dread it. If you're like me you procrastinate. So, here are some to do, or rather not to do, during midterms.

1. Watch endless episodes of Grey's Anatomy

2.Decide to clean your piles of dishes that have been sitting in the sink for 2 weeks

3.Learn a new skill

4. Take a road trip

5. Sleep......at all

6. Go to the movies

7.Learn a new language

8.Go to an art class

9. Go clothes shopping

10. Scroll through social media

11. Become a sleep deprived over cafinated monster

12. Not bathe

13.Ride on a camel through the desert

14. Have an emotional breakdown

15. Cancel working out

16. Start a new t.v. series

17. Decide to make those plans with friends you have been avoiding for weeks

18. Think about situations that will never happen but what you would do in that type of situation just in case.

19. Have an oil change

20. Clean out your screenshots from 3 years ago

21. Go to a party

22. Watch Youtube videos

23. Get a sudden urge to clean

24. Take a long drive

25. Go scuba diving

26. Get a haircut

27. Go play laser tag

28. Go to McDonald's

29. Lick a doorknob

30. Paint your nails

31. Fold clothes

32. Make fun of Fergie singing at the basketball game

33. Look up the history of why McDonald's fries never decay

34. Go to the carwash

35. Take up a new hobby

36. Clean out your refrigerator

37. Graffiti your neighbor's car

38. Stalk your ex's Instagram

39. See what the Kardashian's are up to

40. Check and see was the chicken here first or the egg

41. See what your wedding hairstyle is going to be when you get married 15 years from now

42. Take an online quiz about the burrito you are

43. Look at old pictures of your awkward teenage years

44. Drive off a cliff

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