I’m sorry.
Why? Because you clicked on this article, because either you’ve been a victim of the stereotypes or you know someone who is a victim of the stereotypes. Either way, I’m sorry.
They say life isn’t fair, but, boy, do mental illnesses and disorders really make things unfair.
I want more than anything in life to be considered “normal”, to not have to take pills every five or six hours, but that is not the way God created me. And coming to terms with that would be so much easier if people were more understanding.
I guess it’s hard to understand because you can’t see mental illnesses and disorders, but it’s not fair to judge people just because you can’t see that they are struggling.
I recently had someone tell me that it would be okay to withdraw from school because of medical reasons, and while that’s so nice of them to reassure me, that doesn’t help make me feel like I’m doing what I need to do. She called me “fragile”, said I could withdraw and come back in the spring.
But, you see, I’m doing okay. I may not be 100% happy. I may not be as awake as others all the time, but I am functioning to the best of my ability. My disorders do not define me.
Frankly, it pisses me off when people talk about my illnesses like they know what I’m going through. Now, if you are someone who has had great struggles in your life and have gone through similar feelings throughout your life, then thank you for talking to me and getting me through it. If you have no idea what my daily life is like, then screw you and your opinions.
I am not fragile.
I am Sydney Layton, treasurer of her fraternity, super senior at Penn State, a lover of Taylor Swift and teaching. I am, by no means, fragile. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I have an off day. But don’t we all?
I am not my major depressive disorder. I am not my anxiety disorder. I am not my mood disorder. I am not my schizophrenia or my bipolar disorder.
Screw you for thinking I am.
Life is tough, but so am I. I can handle what is thrown at me. Sometimes it takes time for me to adjust, but that’s pretty much the same for everyone.
Screw you.