Here's to you.
Here's to your struggle—the obstacles you overcome every single day.
Here's to your motivation and desire to keep going, even on days when it feels like there's not another option then going on a downhill slope.
I applaud you.
And I applaud your persistence, your strength to push forward.
Everyone goes through them: rough patches. Times when you sit back and literally just wonder why you were chosen to go down this road, or why you were given the battle that you are facing. Well, guess what! You were chosen and given this battle because you can and will win it.
You are given these battles in order to test your strength and come out on top. No one is given a battle with the intention to fail.
Always remember that just because you've struggled through the battle, doesn't mean you've lost the war.
Sometimes we are forced to face a battle that feels never ending. The key is to never give up. Learn how to guide yourself through struggles with positivity and motivation. Even at times when it feels like there isn't anything left, I can promise you there is.
It may be hard to hear the cliche things that people say. Sometimes it isn't enough to hear that everything will be okay or that it's just a small stage in your life. It isn't enough to know that someone will "always be there for you." It's important to be there for yourself before you rely on someone else to be there for you.
Always know that you are stronger than you realize. You are able to carry yourself on your own back. You are able to guide yourself through the darkest of times. You are able to overcome the demons in your head. You are not defined by what tries to break you.
One thing a lot of people fail to realize during rough patches in life is that they are not defined by their struggle. Just because things may be hard right now, and you feel like there's nothing left to do except give up, it doesn't mean that you are weak. It means you are human.
Don't let anyone break you. You cannot be broken. You are flexible rather than fragile. You are resilient. You're not ever broken, maybe just a little bent. But think of it this way, if you were capable of being bent out of shape, you're able to be bent back into shape. Use this as a way to realize that you are never going to be stuck in a rough patch. There is always an opportunity to overcome it.
Just a reminder to stay positive, because nothing negative lasts forever.
Keep on pushing, because you're always worth it.