No, I am not traveling. I’m simply just staying back for the summer due to the fact that as a broke college student, well … excuse my redundancy, I am broke. You might think my ticket back to “paradise” (that’s what I call my beautiful home) is cheap. Unfortunately, not. A round trip ticket back home costs almost $2,000. Go ahead, you can say “WHAT?” out loud. I can basically go to Europe with that price. If you know me and/or have been reading my past articles, you most likely already know where I am from. It is not geographically big, but everything about it is big enough to fit in my heart. This paradise is the island of Saipan.
Saipan? I know most of you have never heard of this island. Well, I am not writing this article to fill you with information about the island, but to stress how I miss being home.
First of all, I really miss my mom, my dad and my sister. The last time I was back home was a year ago, and that’s probably the longest time I have ever been away from them.
I miss waking up to the smell of my dad’s good cooking (he’s a great chef). From adobo to sinigang as well as sisig, I absolutely miss and crave for my dad’s Filipino foods. I hate having to buy outside food now that I’m supposedly “independent.” Restaurant food just doesn’t provide the same taste, smell, and feel of home food. The last time I was home, I tried to eat and savor as much food as I could – especially my dad’s cooking.
Low key (high key), I miss arguing with my mom, as my sister teams up with me in the background. Although both these girls endlessly annoy me, they never cease to make me laugh as well, which makes me truly miss them.
I hate working and coming home exhausted without my dad telling me “Hey there’s food in the kitchen if you’re hungry” or my mom saying “Change to cleaner clothes, I’m about to do the laundry.”
I miss going for a run or a light jog on the pathways alongside the beach. I miss the warm, clear blue water. I miss the flavorful taste of island food. I miss chilling, hanging, and laughing with good friends. Ah, friends.
Sightseeing, eating good local food, sun bathing, swimming, sleepless night chit-chats, and movie nights, there is no other place to enjoy these activities other than home with friends and family.
Seeing my friends’ (who are back home for the summer) Instagram/Facebook posts, I feel a bit envious of the amount of fun they are having as I try to occupy myself with work and writing. Nevertheless, I do see the bright side of not being home for the summer: I have an entirely (sort of) new city to explore. From food and coffee to breathtaking hiking spots, I guess my summer does not suck after all. Not to mention, I AM making some cash. Who knows, I’ll be back home sooner than later.