Not every frat guy is a thirsty thirteen-year-old trapped in a beer chugging body. Not every guy just has sex on his mind. And not every guy is going to break your heart, rape or harm you. Yes, statistics show that a woman has a higher percentage of getting raped compared to a man. But those numbers represent the action of O-N-E person. A person did that. A man is just another describing detail to go along with it.
"Boys suck."
"All boys are thirsty."
"Guys are so gross."
The list of words we have described guys for goes on and on. And it needs to stop. If we want to go somewhere in this world on a platform of equality we need to stop label the male species as a thirst villain.
Best friend.
Just some of the words that describe men.
A man is not some horrible beast trapped in human flesh.
They are just as human as a girl. So how come, as a society, we have turned a blind eye to the way we have started treating males compared to how we may treat a female. Yes, both sexes have issues when it comes to their reputation, gender roles, and societal stance. However, if we are going to start talking about how as females we can make a name out of ourselves in politics, we need to recognize and honor the fact that "not all boys suck."
Role model.
Growing up my best friends where guys. Yes, I have had the whole awkward "he likes me now time to hit the friend-zone" button happen more than a few times. But even then, the guys who I have surrounded myself as friends in life have been some of the most protective, trustworthy and warm people I have ever met. I always knew that would have my back. And they never stopped once to stand beside me.
There will be men who come in your life who aren't that warm. Who will break your heart. Who will try and take things too far. But we cannot let the person those people define who men are, as group. If we do that, we fail in a fight for equality and we have drawn ourselves as a whole in a society of labels.
We need to break away from the idea that every frat guy is going to just want sex. I once got dumped over a text at a frat party and the guys outside spent 40 minutes talking with me about the breakup and offered their security guard to walk me home. There was no, "You want to get over him, well you came to right place" sort of thing. It was real people, real emotions, real conversations. You know why? Because they are humans too. Underneath their skin is the same blood and heartbeat that flows in a female body.
Not every girl is going to be sweet. In fact, I'd argue I have run into more dangerous girls then dangerous guys. We need to remember that it is not the gender that makes these choices but the person. A female can rape, break your heart and catcall too. She can be evil. Remembers the words of father, son, husband, mentor and etc.