Not All Frat Guys Are "Frat Guys" | The Odyssey Online
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Not All Frat Guys Are "Frat Guys"

An inside effort to defeat a social stereotype.

Not All Frat Guys Are "Frat Guys"

"Oh, you're in a fraternity" is often the response I get when a girl finds out that I am in a Greek organization. There is the definitive moment when the girl has this mental image going through her head that I am some random guy in this drinking club in college partying every day of the week, not caring about my academic or professional future, and sexualizing any interaction I have with the opposite sex. She is thinking about the dreaded "frat guy" image.

In my experience, the "frat guy" stereotype I am referencing is best recreated by Zac Efron in "Neighbors." Shirtless bro- check; beer- check; arrogance and a general "don't care" attitude- check and check.

Albeit, there is a time for drinking, having a great time with friends, and not stressing out about school. But unlike this stereotype portrays, this side of Greek life is only a reality about 5% of the time in my experience. The other 95 percent is spent increasing fraternity presence in clubs and organizations on campus, as well as providing service hours and hosting fundraisers on and off campus. I stress, as a heavily involved brother in my fraternity, that the Zac Efron stereotype is anything but true at Alabama.

Greek-letter organizations, particularly fraternities, receive a lot of bad rap due to hazing scandals, belligerent drunkards who are featured in viral videos often doing something completely stupid and destructive, and highly publicized coverage of any sexual assault accusations. There is indisputable evidence that these cases exist, and this evidence spreads like a virus all over the internet, furthering this "frat guy" label into a problem that needs to be terminated.

Canadian writer Charles de Lint said, "There's bad apples in whatever way you want to group people - doesn't matter if it's religious, political or social. The big mistake is generalizing." Immediately, some people may think that I am defending such atrocities that were previously mentioned, and that is the furthest thing from the truth. But, the "frat guy" label must stop because we are being defined by the bad apples in our respective fraternities, which creates an unfair, unjust, and untrue label for all fraternity members.

What the media does not portray: your typical "frat guy" donating hours of his time each week to his fraternity's national philanthropy. Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (Sigma Alpha Epsilon), Stop Soldier Suicide (Alpha Delta Phi), and the American Red Cross (Delta Sigma Phi) all receive endless donations from fundraisers sponsored by these "frat guys" and service from these respective organizations each year. The list of those who benefit from Greek service is endless, but this service is rarely portrayed over the negative image conveyed from these "frat guys."

At the University of Alabama, there is an event called “Greek Week” held during one week in the spring semester each school year. This is a week of involvement exclusive to Greek members where fraternities and sororities unite to provide service hours and raise money for multiple non-profit organizations in the Tuscaloosa community. Greek students last year raised over $100,000 for the Tuscaloosa community alone. To accompany this amazing feat, hundreds of service events that happen all year outside of Greek Week at the University of Alabama, where Greek members donate time and resources for the greater good of their communities. For example, UADM (University of Alabama Dance Marathon) is a student-oriented event held annually where participants stand up and dance for 12 hours straight to raise awareness and funds for Children's Miracle Network, where a large percentage of the participants are Greek students in teams. In February 2016, UADM raised $211,342.16 for Children's of Alabama — and all "frat guys" do is drink, right?

This is what Greek life is truly about to the majority of members in the Greek system, not only at Alabama, but for other colleges across the nation as well. Selflessness, leadership, community service, furthering personal intellect, and helping others can only begin to categorize what many brothers in these fraternities actually stand for. With that being said, it greatly upsets me that my fellow brothers and I get categorized by society as beer-chugging, women-seeking, incompetent drains on society and our parent's paychecks. Because we live in a label-happy 21st century, we are quick to pick up the name "frat guys."

No, this is not a revolutionary call to end the inevitable labeling of the "frat guy," nor is it a glorification of what we know as the Greek system. Honestly, I can appreciate the humor that accompanies some of the "frat guy" stereotypes. I mean, what college student hasn't laughed at one of their friends who may have had too much to drink, or who is doing something daring and stupid for the amusement of other? I would be lying to myself and everyone reading this if I did not say that we all live in those stereotypical moments sometimes. However, those stereotypes are becoming the only perceived reality of those who do not look inside of the Greek system.

Personally, along with other brothers in my fraternity, I joined my fraternity because of the pillars it was founded on: utmost respect for women and an oath to never take advantage of a woman; self-respect and respect for my brothers; improving one's self, other people, and society as a whole. There is a common theme that makes up what the real "frat guy" label should be: respect. I believe I speak for all of my brothers when I say that the beer-toting, cat-calling stereotype of the modern "frat guy" is a highly inaccurate depiction of what our reality is. Roll Tide!

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