First and foremost, I'm not a Trump supporter nor am I a Hillary supporter. Politics leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but due to my age, I have to start getting into it. When I learned about each candidate, I slowly picked a favorite and waited until this dreaded time of the year. Now, with two interesting choices, I'm left with deciding which one I'm less scared of. Honestly, I'm not scared of a Trump presidency.
Trump has little to no history in politics. For some that's a little terrifying, but in a way it's like a breathe of fresh air. It will give a whole new perspective on how this country is run and how we will get through these hardships. Sometimes you have to take a step back and gain a new perspective to truly achieve something great. Maybe a business perspective is what America needs to be successful.
He's had multiple failures along with successes. Someone who knows how to handle a failure and come back from it, is someone I'd like to see in power. Some of the most successful people, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Walt Disney, failed a few times before achieving their success. Trump can take his experiences and apply them to his presidency. I believe that if Trump comes across a problem in office, he won't stop until he succeeds.
He's not under federal investigation. Not to throw Hillary under the bus, but Trump hasn't committed a federal crime. I don't know about you, but I can't trust someone who leaked government secrets, no matter who they are and what experience they have. Trump might be a little sly, but he's not a criminal.
He's a business man. Businessmen can be sneaky and manipulative, but that's what makes them good at their jobs. He's sneaky, but it's necessary. If everyone knew his plans and secrets, his business would never be a success. Manipulation is good to a certain extent. He wants a certain bill passed that'll better the healthcare system? He can give a speech and manipulate the public and superiors into supporting it.
He's straight forward. Obviously, Trump isn't afraid to say what's on his mind. If he sees a problem or has a problem with something, he's going to state it. With Trump being president, I don't think we'll be left in the dark.
Trump's life experiences and lack of a political background, makes me a little more comfortable with the thought of his presidency. He's a man of his word and has harsh opinions. I'm not with her, or him for that matter, but I'm ready to see America be great again. Bring on the Trump presidency; I have no fear.