I have written my fair share of mental health and self-care articles over the past 2 years. While those articles have generally performed very well, I've noticed that I tend to take a more serious route with them and have recently found myself writing a series of articles in that same vein.
So this week, to challenge myself, instead of writing about my natural introversion in a nuanced and eloquent manner, I'm going to compile a list of activities that I am currently partaking in instead of getting down to business to defeat this deadline (that are also a result of my introversion, coincidentally)
1. I'm marathoning season 4 of "New Girl" on Netflix.
Who exactly is that girl, you may ask? It's me, avoiding all responsibilities and socialization from the comfort of my bed.
2. I scroll through Twitter, specifically to retweet relatable content about mid-April college stress.
I gave up most forms of social media for Lent and I have to make up for it now by letting all of my followers know that I can still provide them with the quality content that they deserve.
3. I scroll through Instagram, (specifically meme pages), and debating whether or not my selfies are bomb enough to post.
Fun fact- this gif of Nick and Judy is a fairly accurate representation of me and my boyfriend when I pressure him to take selfies with me. He has all of this to look forward to again when I get back to the USA in 6 weeks.
4. I'm attempting to read "Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal" when I'm not right about to fall asleep on a bench in-between classes.
I think a lot of college students can relate to the sentiment of wanting to read more for pleasure but simply either not having the time or the mental energy to when they can. I used to tear (not literally) into books when I was younger, but I've found that although my passion for reading is still thriving, I have an overwhelming urge to nap instead.
Speaking of-
5. I'm always opting for naps when all else fails.
Relatable, right? My need to nap is so strong I think I could become a competitive napper if I really put my mind to it.
6. I scream into the void.
I mean, uh, oh who am I kidding I do this internally at least once a week.
7. I rant to my mom over WhatsApp about the frustrations of academics.
If you've never had a nice cathartic rant about how much you hate that one class to someone, then you're probably a liar.
8. I turn to the comfort of friends when anxiety is a bit too hard to manage on a specific day, and I've tried to squish my emotions down for a little bit too long.
I'm big enough to admit that I am an incredibly emotional person and sometimes my mental health struggles get the best of me. This could mean demanding too much in a moment of weakness from my boyfriend or ducking into the bathroom for 10 minutes to just be alone with my tears.
If there's one thing that my second semester abroad has taught me, it's that turning to different friends for emotional support at different times is incredibly productive. If they're really your friends, they won't care that you're being a mess. They'll be there for you when you need them most.
9. I watch the music video to "Raspberry Beret" more than 3 times a day.
I won't deny that this is my current go-to feel good song. I love it and I want a suit like Prince's.
10. I'm actually being a productive member of society and meeting all of my deadlines with a few hours to spare.
I may not be perfect, (I'm far from it, in fact), but I still manage to get things right every once in awhile.