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10 Norwegian Musicians Taking Over the World, One Song At A Time

If you haven't heard of these artists yet, you will be glad you have now.


I have always had a bit of a strange obsession with Norway ever since I was young. The mom of a childhood best friend of mine was Norwegian and I thought that was so cool. I had never met anyone from another country before and because of that I had many questions, so I blame my interest on them. From there, I've enjoyed Norwegian TV shows and movies. I've translated Norwegian poems into English for class and read books by Norwegian authors. But most importantly, I listen to Norwegian music every day.

There must be something about living in one of the happiest countries in the world that makes Norwegian artists create such catchy tunes. You probably haven't noticed, but there are actually a lot of up-and-coming musicians from Norway; musicians that have already created an impact in the industry and have worked with some of the biggest names in the world. Here are the ten most important you should be paying attention to.

Boy Pablo

Boy Pablo is relatively new to the music scene, but has quickly taken over the indie world. With the band's laid-back style, you can't help but feel happy and bop your head when listening to their music. Boy Pablo is a recent find for me, but definitely one of my favorites. It's going to be a must to listen to "Everytime" and "ur phone" when I am relaxing at the beach this summer.


Matoma first entered my radar when I heard his incredibly catchy 2015 remix of The Notorious B.i.G.'s "Want The Old Thing Back," which is a song I still listen to every summer because of its fun sound. He has since gone on to work with artists such as Noah Cyrus, Astrid S (who makes an appearance on this list), The Vamps, and many more. He's well known in the electronic dance music world and it's only a matter of time before he breaks into the US radio charts.


Kygo is very well known among the electronic music world for his tropical house beats. He's worked with artists like Selena Gomez and Miguel sealing his spot on the music charts. One thing that Kygo does that sets him apart from the others is that his music videos are always incredibly cinematic and actually have storylines. It's all too common for producers to have music videos that just feature hot girls dancing to their songs, but Kygo's videos always make you think and engage with the music. Listen to his music in the car with your windows rolled down to set the perfect summer vibe.

Cashmere Cat

Ariana Grande has worked with Cashmere Cat on multiple occasions and is the reason I first heard of this unique music producer. As a producer, having a one-of-a-kind sound is important and Cashmere Cat does just that. He isn't afraid to experiment with sounds and that's probably the reason artists like Ariana Grande and Selena Gomez continually work with him. I was able to see him perform at the Neurolux in Boise last year and loved every second of it. He completely had the whole venue under his spell and wanting more. I will have his most recent collaboration with Major Lazer on repeat all summer.

Julie Bergan

Julie Bergan is one of the newest artists to me on this list, but she has made quite an impression. She has a big voice, an attitude, and some seriously catchy lyrics. Her music is extremely fun and something I have added to my getting ready playlist. Her song, "Arigato," is an absolute jam as well.


AURORA is simply unique from her look to her sound. She has a softer voice that is pleasant and comforting but something in the content of her songs leaves you a bit on edge, like you shouldn't underestimate her. She sounds like she should be on the soundtrack for the next big teen dystopian movie. Her newest song, "Queendom," is one of her more radio-friendly singles, but still holds that same unique quality her other songs have.


Lido is honestly one of the best music producers of our time. Please watch one of his live performances to be able to appreciate how talented this man is with composition. He's most well-known because of his past relationship with singer Halsey and his work on both of her albums, but Lido is an amazing musician on his own. With songs like, "Not Enough," and "Problems," Lido stands out of the crowd and will forever be one of my all-time favorites.


Dagny has yet to hit the US radio, but that doesn't mean she won't in the near future. An extremely underrated artist, Dagny creates fun songs that make you feel good and want to dance. I listen to her music when I want to get pumped up to go downtown or to simply prepare for the day. Her music always lifts my mood and if you don't believe me, please listen to "Backbeat," and tell me that doesn't make you want to get out of your seat and dance your little heart out.

Astrid S

Easily one of my favorite pop artist of recent time, Astrid S is a force to be reckoned with. She is not afraid to sing about her feelings and comment on society's double standards all in upbeat sounding electronic pop songs. She is truly on the brink of becoming the next big name in the music industry. Until then, I will keep streaming her songs on Spotify and laughing at her silly tweets.


I dare you to not get this song stuck in your head. It's so catchy! Sigrid is this tiny ball of energy that completely lights up any stage she's on with her unique voice and spunky dance moves. She has taken the US by storm and become popular overnight with singles like "Plot Twist," and "High Five." She's been performing at music festivals all over the world this season and for good reason, she makes such catchy, feel-good music that it's impossible to not want to dance along with her. If you hadn't heard of her before this, trust me you would have soon because she's the real deal.

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