1. When a professor tells you that the final exam won't be multiple choice.
2. You become so sleep-deprived that you can literally fall asleep in any place, at any time.
3. The library becomes your home, and you are NOT happy about it.
4. When someone tries to tell you to calm down, because finals aren't that big of a deal.
5. When a professor acts like their final is the only one you're taking.
6. The only thing that keeps you going throughout the week is comfort food, and your diet gets severely neglected as a result.
7. When you're in the library at 2PM and you daydream about what you normally would be doing if it weren't finals week. 
8. You have no time to go to the dining hall or prepare a meal, so you have to get creative.
9. To the people that say they love finals week:
10. When someone tries to talk to you the night before a big exam.
11. And they blatantly ignore you and keep trying to hold a conversation anyway.
12. When you're in the middle of studying and your favorite song comes on.
13. Or you hear about the possibility of free food.
14. Eventually, your brain reaches capacity. This is when you have to give up on studying and just hope for the best.
15. That rare moment when you ace a final you thought you failed.
16. When you hand in your last exam and secretly want to say this to your professor.
17. At last!!! You've (barely) survived finals week and realize that you are now free to do absolutely nothing but sleep in your own bed and watch Netflix until next year.
Good riddance, fall semester. We won't miss you.