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10 Main Reasons Why Summer 'Up North' Is The Superior Season

Summer being right around the corner is what is getting me through the rest of the semester.

10 Main Reasons Why Summer 'Up North' Is The Superior Season
Emily Smith

As spring arrives and we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel of this dreadful winter, all I can think about is how close summer is. The rain, sleet, and snow that seems to be almost a weekly occurrence during the winter months make me go a little crazy. Seasonal depression is a real thing, and going months on end being stuck inside with little to no sunshine has taken a toll on my happiness.

Being from the northern part of the United States, we never take a warm summer day for granted. The winters seem to go on forever while the summer months fly by. As great as it would be to live somewhere warm year round, I have grown to appreciate the four seasons. Without the cold months of winter, the summer just would not be loved the same. Summer (in my humble opinion) is by far the best season. There is just something about the long, sunny days that make me so grateful to be alive. As John Mayer put it: "A little bit of summer is what the whole years all about".

The feeling of the warm sun on your skin

You can't tell me there is a more satisfying feeling than laying out by a pool feeling the rays hit your skin. It's what happiness is made of! Having all four seasons in the north makes you appreciate it even more.

The sunsets

Summer sunsets are what dreams are made of. I've seen hundreds of sunsets in my life, but they never fail to take my breath away. Each one is so unique and different.

The long days


I think part of the reason winter is so awful is that by 6 pm it's pitch black out. Who wants to be productive when it is dark and miserable? Especially when it is freezing cold out and all you want to do is be under a warm blanket. In the summer when the sun is out until 8 or 9 I am so much more productive and happier.

The cool air at dusk


This is one of my favorite parts of summer up north by far. After the long hot days, the cool air at dusk feels so refreshing. It is the perfect time to sit outside with friends and family decompressing with the sound of crickets in the background.

Windows down, music up


A good tune with the wind blowing through your hair is probably one of the best feelings. Driving down country roads in the summer screaming the lyrics to all your favorite songs is what summer is all about.

Being outside all day

Being coped up inside with no desire to leave your comfy bed in the winter has taken a tool on me. When it is rainy and cold, even stepping outside to get to class is miserable. I am so ready to spend all day soaking up that sunshine! Being from the northern part of the country, we have an abundance of lakes and national parks that have amazing hiking trails to explore.


chilling outside

There is just something about laying in a hammock with a good book. Looking up and seeing the huge branches of the tree moving in the wind, and hearing the birds chirping is therapeutic.



There are not many things that make me miss summer more than the thought of sitting around a bonfire with friends or family telling funny stories and roasting marshmallows.

Being tan

When I have a tan I am about 10000x more confident. The winter months in the north give little to no chance of achieving that sun kissed glow, so the sunny days are always appreciated.

Fresh fruit


Thinking about taking a bite into a fresh strawberry makes my mouth water. Winter fruit just isn't the same. We northerners especially appreciate the summer months because during the winter there is no opportunities to buy local produce and help support the local economy.

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