In recent weeks, a lot of important news has gotten pushed to the back burner — all because president-elect Donald Trump and VP-elect Mike Pence have been taking the spotlight with things such as #TrumpCup, the more recent #BoycottHamilton, and talk of Donald's not-so-great administration choices.
Because of these booming news stories, we haven't seen (and probably will continue not to see) much else surfacing the media for quite a while. This, however, doesn't take away from the fact that something incredibly alarming is happening up in the North Pole.
If you're from an area that usually experiences cold winters and you're wondering why we've had a particularly warm November month, you're not alone. According to the National Snow and Ice Center, arctic sea ice officially dropped to it's second lowest level ever since scientists started to monitor data by satellite. To make matters worse, we just found out that the North Pole is currently 36 degrees warmer than usual.
No, DJT, climate change is not and never was a hoax.
Rick Thoman, NOAA's climate science and service manager in Alaska, tells us that we haven't experienced a cold October in 15 years.
"Since October 2001, there have been no cold Octobers (in Barrow), not one," Thoman said. "This change is the direct result of the really catastrophic loss of autumn sea ice on Alaska's north coast."
In other news, Steven Hawking recently announced to a group of students at a University speech that he is certain mankind only has 1,000 fragile years left on Planet Earth. He strongly believes our only hope is to start branching out into space to explore the possibilities of inhabiting other planets.
Unless humankind changes as a whole species, we're utterly screwed. But hey, we've been trying to explain that for years! When will people start to listen?