Donald Trump, the lovable loudmouth whom everyone just loves to hate. According to Wikipedia, he is an American real estate developer, television personality, politician, and author. I can't say I ever knew he wrote a book. He is currently running for president as a Republican candidate and is dominating the polls, leading the next candidate by around 10 to 12 points. However, this means nothing because the race doesn't matter until March, 2016. So fear not, Trump haters.
Now, the politician stereotype these days is that they don't listen to their constituents, they are corrupted by power and money from lobbyists, and they only care about issues that will benefit themselves. It's ironic that most voters believe this, yet they never vote these lifelong career politicians out of office! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Obviously, these voters are insane.
Donald Trump is not the candidate we need, but he is the candidate we deserve right now. He's the only candidate that is bold enough to say what the silent majority is thinking. Of course, he could definitely say things in a more tactful manner. Let's assume Donald Trump said the same things, but had a politician's diplomacy -- would we still believe and talk about him? No, we would not. That is why Donald Trump is winning by such a wide margin. He brings attention to himself, and therefore brings attention to the issues he is discussing.
Fast forward to two weeks after the Republican debate: Donald Trump has caused even more of a raucous because of his spat with Megyn Kelly and his refusal to vow to support the potential Republican candidate. We can look at the polls and see that Trump is still leading by double digits in every poll. There are two ways of looking at this:
1. Donald Trump has amassed such a big following that no matter what he does, they will still support him.
2. People truly believe that we need someone who is less diplomatic and says whatever is on their mind.
Honestly, as a political science major, I have no idea what Donald Trump is really trying to accomplish, nor do I know how he is leading by so much in the polls after everything that happened. If any other candidate had said that Megyn Kelly was "bleeding from everywhere" and declared they would not support the Republican candidate, they would have been skewered and would be very low in the polls.
We deserve Donald Trump as a president because we do not vote the stereotypical politician out of office. We deserve Donald Trump because our country doesn't talk about what really matters. Does a lion that was killed in a different country matter? No, but we talk about it for a full week. Does the fact that Planned Parenthood sold aborted fetus organs on the black market matter? Yes, but we're too busy talking about a lion in a different country (and continent) to focus on what really matters. What matters is the fact that the media would rather focus on social issues instead of our economy. It's the economy, stupid! That is why we deserve Donald Trump, a candidate who will steer conversations towards what really matters.