North Carolina Schools As How I Met Your Mother Characters | The Odyssey Online
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North Carolina Schools As How I Met Your Mother Characters

What school best fits your favorite HIMYM character?

North Carolina Schools As How I Met Your Mother Characters

Ted Mosby: Appalachian State

If you were to walk down Kings street today, you'd probably see half a dozen locals selling or adverting some bizarre product or event. The people of Boone tend to love "strange" things. For Ted, those strange things include coin collecting, old buildings and calligraphy. Furthermore, a true Appalachian State student needs two things: a tattoo and a beard. Check and Check. Another classic Mosby-App State tie in would be, saying the phrase "I live in the moment" and having a strong tendency to correct everything that people say. If you need any more evidence, his favorite movie is Star Wars.

Lily Aldrin: University of North Carolina Asheville

Lily has a strong passion for art and often indulges in “sandwiches.” Just like the Asheville campus, Lily is sweet and beautiful but not afraid to experiment with her looks. Lily also believes in fairness and respect, the fundamental belief of any true bulldog.

Marshall Eriksen: North Carolina State

Almost everyone's favorite character, Marshall is extremely lovable and relatable. He's very athletic especially in basketball while maintaining a reputation of being smart and knowledgeable. Essentially true for both Eriksen and a good percentage of the Wolf Pack, both endured an awkward stage in high school but hit a great stride upon entering college. With numerous dining halls on the Raleigh campus, a true Foodie like Marshall would be in love.

Robin Scherbatsky: University of North Carolina

For any true fan of HIMYM, Robin is either loved or hated. Those who wanted Robin and Ted to work out obviously love her. But for those who felt otherwise, Robin was the enemy and a belief shared by any Duke fan. Robin and UNC students can both be somewhat conceited, but both remain incredibly loyal to her team. Overall, the majority of Tarheel students are career driven, a trait that requires commitment and sacrifice.

Barney Stinson: East Carolina University

When most people think of ECU, they think of hookup culture, incredible Halloween costumes, and amazing parties. Barney Stinson is the combination of all of these things into one human being. He confident and attractive but there's more than what meets the eye for Stinson. Barney and the Pirates alike develop an incredible sense of sensitivity when the time calls for it. Barney cares deeply about his friends and believes firmly that they'll be together forever. Lastly, Barney is always full of interesting and exotic surprises. And for everyone who lives in Greenville, every weekend is definitely chock full of interesting and exotic surprises.

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