Normcore: the word-baby of "normal and hardcore."
The trend meaning: when one dresses to look normal and confirmative, yet part of their wardrobe rebels against fashion forecasters and gurus.
Albert Camus once wrote, "some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal," and that statement has never rung truer in today's culture. Spending habits, clothing trends, and social norms are all just ways to act and dress in a response to the "need" to fit in.
Ironically, it's the outcasts and "weirdos" who are the predominant trendsetters. The revolutionizers against fashion, the people against 'the man' who wear and do things that don't fit in with modern society - these are the people the normies steal trends from.
Doctor Martins? First worn by the punk subculture of the 80s. The all-black outfits from head-to-toe? Done by goths. Vintage band tees? Done by hipsters and actual band groupies – yes, way before Urban Outfitters.
So where does the term "normcore" fit in with today's society?
Well, the term was first coined by a group of creatives called K-Hole. They dissected the trend in a satirical way, poking fun at people's need to name a group (i.e. Millennials, Gen. X, etc.).
However, once the actual term caught on, the company turned legit and became an actual forecasting company that's very relevant in today's fashion forecasting atmosphere.
To put words into pictures, a 'normcore' look would be a combination of any subculture, punk, emo, hipster, preppy, etc. and mixing it with mainstream trends. Or, this could also be a mixture of two or more of these subcultures. Outfit examples would be ripped, baggy jeans with a plain white tee and a long blazer. It could be chunky dad sneakers paired with visible high white socks, straight-legged high-waisted jeans, and a t-shirt or turtleneck.
These looks are everywhere, and you don't even know it. Why? Because the normcore followers take pleasure in being unseen, but still on trend. It's an 'anti-trend.' The subtle, yet fashionable looks make the normcore look like regular on-trend people, but with a little bit of fashion flair. It's where they're too cool to care but too cool not to care.
In fact, you already know some people who are considered "normcores." Steve Jobs (minimalistic black turtleneck, light washed jeans and thin-rimmed glasses), Channing Tatum (beanie, jean button-up, cardigan, baggy pants, and Duck boots). Model Cara Deleveigne is one of the best examples of normcore. Check her and her style out if you want to look cool…or are you too cool to care?