7 Reasons Why Norman Reedus Is The Man Of Your Dreams
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7 Reasons Why Norman Reedus Is The Man Of Your Dreams

It's easy to see why millions of fangirls flock to this charismatic bad boy

7 Reasons Why Norman Reedus Is The Man Of Your Dreams
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When I found out that Norman Reedus was hanging out with Dave Chappelle and Bill Murray in Downtown Charleston a few weekends ago, I literally did not know how to handle myself. Knowing that he was so close, yet still so far away, was too much for me to comprehend. I seriously contemplated whether or not I should walk up and down King Street hoping I might run into them, but alas I convinced myself not to act like a crazy person. The really ironic thing is that just a couple of weeks before he was here filming for Norman’s show on AMC “Ride with Norman Reedus,” Dave Chappelle came into a bar that I was hanging out in downtown. After being in Charleston a second time, I found out that Dave had taken Norman to the very same bar! Why, dear God, why, couldn’t he have been there with Dave the night I was?

My obsession with Norman dates back to when he played Murphy MacManus in “The Boondock Saints.” My husband can’t stand it. I’ve seriously considered naming our first-born son after him. Well, that might be a bit of stretch, but you get the gist. In hopes of finding a way to cope with the fact that I probably missed the only opportunity I’ll ever have to meet him, I’ve compiled this list of reasons why Norman has stolen the hearts of millions.

1. He’s not your traditional heartthrob

If your idea of seduction involves being flipped the bird or having the side of your face licked, then Norman is your man. I’m sure when it comes down to the heat of the moment, he’s romantically charismatic. I’d be satisfied either way.

2. He makes grunge look good

Is there anything more badass than a man on a motorcycle? Well, certain men on certain motorcycles I suppose. Somehow he always manages to be sharply dressed while at the same time looking like he hasn’t bathed in days. Blend all of that that together with a touch of mystery, passion and a leather coat and viola—the sexiest bad boy alive.

3. He has a great sense of humor

Norman and “The Walking Dead” co-star Andrew Lincoln are known for constantly having prank wars with each other. There’s nothing more captivating than a man who can make you laugh. Looks fade—especially if you’re a zombie. Even the most beautiful people will wrinkle and turn gray. A good sense of humor lasts a lifetime. Speaking of laughing— his smile is yet another reason to love him.

4. He’s perfectly imperfect

In 2005 Norman was in a serious car accident in Germany that left him in critical condition. I would like to express my personal gratitude to his doctors not just for saving his life, but also for successfully reconstructing his left eye socket, preserving his beautiful blue eyes and masterfully recreating his adorable nose with the assistance of a few screws.

5. He’s a loving father

Let’s be honest, there’s nothing sexier to a woman than a man who genuinely loves and willingly takes care of his children. Our ovaries literally do flips when we see an attractive man holding a baby. His relationship with his son Mingus means so much to him that he has “Mingus” tattooed in red letters on his arm.

6. His cat’s name is Eye In The Dark

He found the little black fluff ball for Mingus when he was a little boy. Mingus picked out the name. How could you not be attracted to a man who buys a little black kitten to make his son happy? It’s not unusual to see him cuddling with other furry friends too. He’s an animal lover for sure.

7. His fans are important to him

Nothing is more disappointing than finding out a celebrity you love is really an a**hole in person. Norman is known for being kind to his fans and treating them like normal people rather than acting as if they don’t exist or asking them to leave him alone. I’m sure being in the spotlight can be exhausting at times, but he just seems to genuinely care about the people who appreciate him.

With all of these charming characteristics, Norman Reedus makes it impossible not to love him. I will forever be his fangirl.
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