5 Delicious Eats Of Downtown Norcross | The Odyssey Online
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5 Delicious Eats Of Downtown Norcross

Bringing delicious diversity to your tastebuds!

5 Delicious Eats Of Downtown Norcross
Explore Gwinnett

Historic Downtown Norcross is an absolutely adorable hidden gem that gives me nostalgia-like feels. It's quaint, yet bustling with activity. It's the perfect place to take a stroll — and more importantly, eat.

Mojito's Cuban-American Bistro

This Cuban bistro will satisfy your tastebuds regardless of what you order — empanadas, yucca, seafood paella. The busyness of the restaurant is a sure testament to its appetizing food.


Pasta and Italian food is always a good idea. It's even a better idea when the portions are huge! No joke, if you order a "half" portion at Dominick's, you'll be sure to have some leftovers. That's why they say "little Italy, lotta food"...but no one's complaining!

The Bleu House Cafe

The Bleu House is another precious find in this neck of the woods. If you're in the mood for some Southern-style wraps, sandwiches or salad for lunch, then this is the place!


If you're in love with Mexican food like I am, then you understand the unexplainable joy that comes with finding a delicious taco. Zapata will fill you with that joy and fill your stomach with some great food. The Atlanta Food Critic would agree.

Taste of Britain

The last one on this list isn't exactly a restaurant, but it boasts an extensive selection of "Chocolates, Teas, sweets, biscuits, giftware and items such as Steak and Kidney pies, English style bangers, Cornish pasties, sausage rolls, etc." Taste of Britain delivers authentic British treats from the convenience of Historic Norcross.

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