Nowadays the world is a crazy, busy place and if you're not doing 12 things at once are you doing anything at all? There is all this pressure to do and be a part of everything. Multitasking has become a way of life. It can all be overwhelming. Even while I'm driving I feel the need to be getting something else accomplished and if I sleep in too late I feel like I'm wasting my whole day. I honestly can't remember a time when I wasn't stressed out from all the things I should be doing with my day. I get so caught up in my head and overwhelmed that some days I just throw up my hands, say "NOPE!", curl up in my bed and watch Netflix all day. Of course this leads to even more stress the next day when I think about all the things I could've been getting done.
"If only I had done this or that . . ." As if somehow getting more done with my day would make me less stressed, when, knowing me, I would find the next thing to stress about.
I took one of these "Nope" days and it was honestly the best thing ever. I finished Glee, ate food, stayed in bed all day and it was perfect. I think occasionally it's ok and even healthy to take a break from all the stress and pressure we put on ourselves. Because all the pressure and stress? There is no way that those are healthy for you.
The best way to take the perfect "Nope" day is the plan ahead. Find a day where you're not doing anything and put it on your schedule. Tell your friends to leave you alone or maybe invite them, Make it a party! Stay in your pajamas all day, eat food that's bad for you, catch up on the show you've been wanting to see but put it off because you've been busy. Just take the day to do anything that will help you forget the pressures of the world for a little while. Because all that stuff that you've been stressing about, it'll still be there but that's a problem for future you.
Future you will understand though. Future you gets why you needed that day. Why you needed just a slight break from the world. So you take that day and you enjoy the hell out of it, because soon the real world will come knocking and you have to go back. But after your "Nope" day, hopefully, you'll be a little less stressed.