I remember being in high school and thinking, "I can't wait to go to college and take classes about things I actually care about."
I have always been devoted to the arts and always knew I would go into a career related to art. High school sucked because I rarely ever got to take any classes related to what I knew would be my future career. Instead, I was forced to focus on things such as science and math, which I was awful at and loathed entirely.
I'm not against science and math being a requirement in high school. I understand it is important for everyone to have a well-rounded knowledge involving many subjects. However, I think high school is when those requirements should end.
Taking classes not related to my major wastes not only my time, but my money, as well.
In high school, I had little room to complain about what classes I had to take. I was being given free education, and I understood that I had to be grateful for that opportunity when so many people around the world are not as fortunate.
However, the circumstances have changed now as I am now paying to be in school. I consider myself to be quite frugal, and I never buy something I don't think I won't use. So why the hell am I paying thousands of dollars to be in classes I couldn't give two shits about, and are doing nothing to further my skills in my major?
Core classes or general education classes are required with the idea of getting a "well-rounded education." So what was high school for? Do you mean I sat through hours and hours of excruciatingly boring science classes with my only motivation being the thought that once I got to college, I would never have to take these classes again...just to be told that it wasn't enough, and now I need to take Geology and stare at rocks for three hours a day to be a film major?
I could be spending this time actually strengthening my filmmaking skills, but instead, I have to sit in classrooms grueling over equations I will never use again. I'm no idiot. I know why they make us take these pointless classes. If I just focused on my film classes and only took classes related to that field of study, then I could be out of college with a degree in way less than four years.
Cores are made with the sole purpose of keeping students in college longer and therefore owing their college more money.
It's not enough that almost no student is able to afford college. No, colleges have to make sure they are keeping them there for as long as possible to milk as much money from their empty pockets as possible. I feel like I am in high school again, being forced to take classes I care nothing about. Except this time, I am losing thousands of dollars because of it.