Dear Winter,
Well, I wished you wouldn’t come, but yet here you are again — with your horrible wind, the cold that chills me to the bone and the snow — oh, the snow. I wish you hadn’t come. Some people say they like you, but they are liars.
Nobody’s favorite season is winter. The people who say their favorite season is winter are the people that like the first snow, cuddling up with a good movie and having a reason to wear sweatpants to class. That’s why people like winter, not because they actually like winter.
People who say winter is horrible are telling the truth. Just think about it: there are days when the temperature doesn’t reach above negative-two degrees…that can kill you. Kill you! Now before you go on about how hot weather can kill you too let me give you a few other reasons why winter sucks.
You know that feeling in your nose when it’s really cold out? The one that makes it feel like there are icicles sticking to every part of your nose. The one that makes it impossible to sniffle, sneeze or even breathe. The one that makes you feel cold to your core and that you will never know warmth again?
What about the roads after a freshly fallen snow? They are slick and slippery, there is no traction for your tires, the plows haven’t yet come through and if they have they probably just scrapped the surface because under that snow is a layer of ice. Good luck getting anywhere on time unless you want to leave an hour early. Oh, you thought you could run out for something to eat? Haha that’s funny. If you leave your house you are leaving for a couple hours because otherwise it’s a waste to leave the safe comfort of your home.
Speaking of snow, would you stop with the snow? It's annoying. I really don't appreciate the fact that I have to clean my car out from under two feet of snow once every week. It's cold outside, and that cold seeps into every part of my body when I have to stand outside for an hour clearing all the snow from my car. Sometimes even after I have cleaned off my car and it isn't snowing out you get on my car again. How do you do that? It's not a fun party trick so you should really stop doing it -- it's not cool.
Have I mentioned the feeling that makes you so cold you feel as though may never know warmth again? Well, winter, that’s the main reason I hate you. In the summer when it is 90 degrees and the sunning is beating down on me I always think, “Oh winter isn’t so bad.” But, winter, you are worse than that bad. When I am running to class I have to wear 10 layers of clothes and yet I am still cold. My expensive parka that was advertised as being able to prevent cold air from touching me lied. It does nothing to prevent the cold air from touching me when it’s this cold out. Sometimes I feel as if my parka is wide open as if to say yes I would love a hug from you winter. Winter, I don’t like hugs.
Winter, I am sure you aren’t as bad as you come across. Let me give you some advice about getting more people to like you. First off don’t be so cold – you cost me money. I spend a ridiculous amount of money in the winter on clothes that are supposed to keep me warm, on hot drinks that cold the second I walk outside and on heat. One another piece of advice winter, just give us 50 degree days and you will be fine.
A Winter Un-enthusiast