I'm halfway through college and it seems I have almost no idea what I want to do with my life. While stressing over careers, finances, GPAs, and summer internships, it's comforting to know that none of us are alone. As unsettling as it is not knowing where you'll be in a year, or five years from now, understand that we are all in this together. And it's really okay to be unsure of what lies ahead.
Life itself is pretty long, so trust that you won't be in the same position forever and you'll have plenty of time to change the situation you're in. Sometimes taking life one day at a time is the most efficient and manageable (especially for a student). We all need to learn to enjoy the moment and be in the now because there is no way to predict the future. Stressing over the endless possibilities isn't always worth it and while long-term thinking is important, it's not as important as the short-term.
Sure, it may sound corny and a little overplayed, but the journey is just as important as the destination. We are expected to have our lives meticulously planned out from a young age, but there's a lot to be said for just letting things happen. Have a little bit of faith and trust the process, everyone else is just winging it, so don't feel bad if you are too.
Sometimes I'll laugh at myself and question whether I'm "adulting" correctly. I still call my mom when I need help with something I'm supposed to know how to do (make doctor's appointments, write a check, etc.) and I have no shame. It turns out even the most sophisticated adults question themselves and also need some guidance here and there. None of us do life perfectly and that's absolutely normal.
No matter what age, it's okay to not have it all figured out. It's okay to switch your major/minor three times. It's okay to not have a fancy internship or summer job even though your friend does. No one is a failure for not knowing what they want to do or being uncertain about their future. "Growing up" is a lifelong, never-ending process and the sooner we realize no one truly has it down pat, either, the better off we'll be. The best thing we can do for ourselves (and our sanity) is to take everything one step at a time and seek the best version of ourselves. Take a breath and focus on the good, it's amazing what a little positivity can do for you.