Drug addiction has become a major issue in media and society. After the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman, news outlets have begun to investigate the severity of overdoses in America, and how they affect everyday American families. It is likely that someone you know has experienced drug addiction themselves, or has a family member who has suffered the affliction. Addiction can happen to anyone, anywhere; it has no prejudices whatsoever. While many people try to help those suffering with words of affirmation and hope, they are several statements that do nothing to help us in need. I personally have been clean from drugs for quite some time. It is no easy task, and the support of family and friends is vital in retaining any amount of sobriety. But there still certain things I hear from people “trying to help” that make me cringe. Here are 5 things that drug addicts, either still in active addiction or in recovery, are tired of hearing:
“That’s so sad.”
Yeah, no shit it’s sad. In active addiction, I was constantly sad. It’s not a good feeling to literally need a specific substance in order to just feel like a human being. It’s not a good feeling to be shunned by your family and friends because they can no longer trust you. It’s not a good feeling to spend every cent you have just to get your fix. You may even degrade yourself in the process of obtaining money. You don’t need to remind me that addiction is sad. I live it every day.
“How do your parents/family feel about it?”
Unless my parents are literally psychotic, they feel disappointed in me. They feel guilt and shame, just as I do. Most parents don’t wish addiction on their children, in fact, it’s a lifestyle they do everything to avoid. I know it’s extremely hard for them to admit that their child is addicted to drugs. Obviously, they want to help me as best they can, but ultimately, it isn’t their decision. Imagine if your child became a drug addict: How would YOU feel?
“Do you miss it?”
This is a question I get often, and it has various answers. Do I miss the feeling I got from my drug of choice? Yes. I think about it every day. That is what’s referred to as a craving. But do I miss hitting rock bottom? Do I miss stressing about having to come up with money so I could get my fix? Do I miss worrying about whether or not I’d up end dead or in jail? Hell no.
“Don’t you worry about how people will judge you?”
Yes. I absolutely worry about that. That’s why I choose not to divulge my addiction problems to every person I meet. It’s not a label I want to put on myself for the rest of my life. Future employers aren’t going to be impressed with my clean time, they’re going to look at me like some disgusting junkie, who can’t be trusted. Most people do not look at clean time as an accomplishment; they look at it as something you SHOULD be doing. They don’t see drug addiction as a struggle; they see it as a bad decision, and any struggles you have are something you asked for when you took your first hit.
“What did it feel like?”
I fucking hate this question. There are so many ways I could describe what being high is like. The fact of the matter is that it is different for everyone. But dear God, please don’t ask me this question. All this accomplishes is triggering me by reminding me of my high. Long story short, addicts don’t chase the addictive lifestyle. They chase the high their drug of choice produces.
In conclusion, addiction is a serious problem that many people face throughout their lives. If you’re trying to help someone with their issues, or gain insight on addiction itself, I encourage you to do so. But please, think about what you’re saying before you say it. Addicts have many different triggers that could set them back on the path of abuse, and these statements/questions could easily trigger someone. For more information on drug abuse, visit www.drugabuse.gov.
Image courtesy of http://ccbhc.org/drug-abuse-is-still-a-growing-pro...