Toxic (adjective): containing poisonous substances; extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful.
When it comes to toxic people, you have two options. Option one is doing nothing and letting them be parasites. Option two is removing them from your life altogether. I prefer the latter. Removing a toxic person from your life isn't always as easy as it sounds, especially when it is a loved one. They could be a close friend, significant other, or maybe even a family member. I have experienced and witnessed my fair share of toxic people. Now that I'm more mature, I've realized how unhealthy and draining these people can be.
This actual removal can be a process. The first step to the process is realizing that this person isn't good for you. In my opinion, the biggest red flag is negative energy. We all know that one person who is constantly trying to rain on your parade. Or that one person who is never there to celebrate when you succeed. Those are the ones to keep an eye on. They are the first ones who want to see you fail and kick you while you're down. It is not difficult to realize when a person has a vibe you dislike. If you feel like someone brings nothing but negative energy to your positive circle, that person does not belong. Let them stand on the outside looking in.
Besides negative energy, another tell-tale sign is when that person starts affecting you mentally and emotionally. This is super unhealthy. Toxic people will find ways to put you down, whether it's through lying or manipulating or blatant abuse. Society, especially popular culture, makes it seem like it is normal to be in a controlling relationship when that should not be the case. There is no reason why someone else should be in control of your freedom and happiness. The best thing to do is to distance yourself. You won't be missing out on anything once you have accomplished this.
The fact of the matter is your happiness should be first on your list of priorities, especially at this age. Our college and young adult years are the time for us to be selfish. Use this time to set a strong foundation for your future instead of allowing outsiders to stifle you. Rid yourself of those who are waiting to see you fail. Get rid of the people who make you feel like you are anything less than important. Once that weight is lifted off of your shoulders, you will feel free.