Often times, people do not realize how bad too much sugar is for the human body. People also do to realize how much sugar is in foods that we every day, even in the "healthier" foods. According to a cardiovascular researcher, James DiNicolantonio, he states that "Sugar is pretty much probably the most consumed addictive substance around the world and it is wreaking havoc on our health." Sugar leads to physical and even mental health issues. Here is what a no-sugar diet did for me.
I have pretty much been a really healthy person for the past year. I started working out and dieting in October 2019. First, it was easy to maintain a workout schedule, but it was always so difficult for me to follow a healthy diet. After about two months of working out and attempting to diet, I began a consistent diet of only eating bread and sugar on Sundays and every other day I would avoid it. I did this because it is hard to see progress in my body when I was consistently eating unhealthy.
At the start of my freshmen year in college, I completely threw my diet out the window and started eating whatever I wanted. I told myself that freshmen 15 was not an option for me because beforehand, I had done so well to maintain a healthy diet and workout regime. After about a month and a half into eating unhealthy, I decided to try a no-sugar diet. At first, it was hard to avoid sugar especially since I was on my diet during Halloween, but, after a while, I did not really crave sugar anymore. I was seeing major results in my skin and body size. I normally have a fast metabolism, so a "big result" may differ for everyone, but I was overall so much healthier and was able to see my abs and the muscle that I was gaining. I did the no-sugar diet all the way up until Thanksgiving day (2020). Then, I took a week off and resumed the diet on December 1 (2020) with one of my workout buddies. We will both indulge in a yummy sugary treat during the spring semester (and on Christmas day)!
I am not forcing this diet upon anyone to try, but I would recommend it! I feel so much better and even more awake while I am in classes and just throughout my day overall because I ditched sugar. Also, I do not eat just because I am bored anymore. Sugar always leaves me wanting more and I never feel satisfied. It feels so good to be healthy!
If anyone is wanting to try a no-sugar diet, there are also sugar alternatives and natural sweeteners such as stevia, honey, Palmyra Blossom Nectar, and more! I am happy to continue this diet and continue to see how much change I will see in my body and my health overall.