Last week on Sunday afternoon, I rid myself of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Since then, I have been incredibly productive and have done things I usually wouldn't have time to do.
On Monday, I went to the gym for the first time in quite a few months. I worked out for an hour and spent the rest of the week paying for it with tight muscles and marionette-like legs. When I got back from the class around 7:00 PM, I started my homework straight away. I worked straight through until it was all done. Guess what time that was? 9:30! That's simply unheard of in my world because I am a master procrastinator. Source of procrastination? Facebook. Enough said. Oh, and the best part of the first full day social media-less is that my head hit the pillow by 10:30 PM, which allowed for a full 8.5 hours of sleep. Once more, unheard of.
On Tuesday I went to work, got home, ate dinner, started my homework on time, and was in bed by 10:30 PM once more.
I also decided to try contacts this week! See what can happen when you don't have distractions? (Bad eyesight pun totally intended). New changes all around, as attempting to not poke my eye out and get the contacts in is it what I spent my Wednesday afternoon doing. I got half of a lengthy study guide finished, studied for a full hour for my economics test, and got to bed by 11:00 PM.
On Thursday, I went to the gym for a yoga class, followed by a full hour of weight lifting and core-killing. I left feeling sore, but rejuvenated. I completed that study guide once I got back home, showered, and was in bed by 11:30 PM (the latest bed time all week).
On top of everything, I also read over 100 pages in my pleasure-reading book during my spare time and for at least 15 minutes before bed each night. It doesn't seem like much, but to me, someone who loves to read but has hardly had time throughout high school to pick up a book for pleasure, it was amazing.
When I told my Bubbe all of this, that my room was clean, I had done all my homework early, had read quite a bit, and had gone to the gym, her only words for me were "What's wrong with you?"
My answer?
"I deleted Facebook."