Someone once said “no regrets,” and someone also once said “no ragrets,” but either way, the meaning is still the same and holds true. No regrets mean you shouldn’t have any regrets. Not now, not then, not ever. I know it’s easier said than done, but honestly at the end of the day, it’s better to live your life knowing you have no regrets, rather than dwelling on the idea that you do.
It’s taken me a few years to accept this concept but I’m beyond happy that I’ve finally come to the realization. In life, there aren’t any regrets -- there are experiences which can be classified into the good and the bad. You get your good, and you get your bad, but at the end of the day, it is inevitable and it will happen. But you learn from them, you understand things more clear from them, you grow from them and someday, maybe not today or tomorrow but someday, you will accept them. The “regrets” you make yourself believe have helped shape who you are as a person and the kind of person you would like to be some day. Because you learn from these so -- called “regrets,” you’re only gaining something from it. You aren’t losing anything but you’re gaining knowledge and experience. Sure, you can definitely go through a bad experience and think it’s the end of the world, but at the same time, you can go through a good one and feel like you’re on top of the world.
Why is it that when you go through a bad experience and wish to take it back called a “regret” whereas when you go through a good experience it’s simply just called a “memory?” Why is it that we allow ourselves to be more positive than negative when being positive helps us grow, but being negative only takes away from our growth? Either way, you gain knowledge from experiences because you learn from your experiences.
I will never understand the concept of having a regret for many reasons. My first reason is that you can’t do anything about it, so why are you wasting time on it? Why are you spending your time wishing you can take something back when you could be using that energy to make a change, or use it to spend time on something you love? My second reason is that, as many times as you rethink the situation over in your head, you can’t change it. No matter how many times you replay it in your head, it will not become any different. The details will always remain the same regardless of how many times you think it over hoping for something to be different. Lastly, the more time you take to think about it, the more time it’ll take for you to accept it and move on from it. The more you do something or think about something, the harder it will be to forget about it and the harder it will be for you to heal. Instead of thinking about what you did wrong, think about what you can do next time for you to be right. Think about how it has changed you as a person and how you can grow from this experience.
Life knows no bounds, but you as a person do. Regrets don't exist unless you allow them to. You have the power to put an end to it, so why not do it? You need to understand when enough is enough and when it’s time to move on. It will take time and it will require effort but at the end of the day, you’re doing this for you and for the sake of your sanity. There aren’t any regrets in this world, just good and bad experiences and it’s time for you to realize the difference and to move on. As cliché as it sounds, life’s too short to live with regrets.