I used to be one of those people who was attached to their phone, seriously. I would actually freak out if I did not have my phone on me at all times. It was like an extension of me. I was constantly checking social media and texting a million people at once. Then, something changed. I did not want to check my phone all the time and I stopped texting so many people, mainly relying on texting as a way to make plans instead of being the only interaction I had with my friends. I no longer feel lost if I go a while without checking my phone. Here's a list of ways my life improved since being less dependent on my phone, and why I encourage you to try to take some time away from your phone as well.
We have all been there. Scrolling through Twitter or Instagram at 11:30 and all of the sudden it's 1 in the morning. Not only that, but the blue lights in your phone make it a lot harder for you to be able to fall asleep. It is recommended to not go on your phone/ watch tv for at least an hour before bed (pretty unrealistic, but we can all TRY). Since I stopped caring so much about what has been on my feeds I have gained an enormous amount of extra sleep!!! Way worth it.
2. I stopped stressing so much
I think we have all been in the place where we care WAY too much about social media and what other people are doing with their lives...and what it seems like our own lives look like. Once I stopped having the desire to check up on social media I was a lot less stressed. I no longer cared about whose photos my ex was liking, whose photos my crush was liking, whose life seemed so much better than mine, or what the latest drama was in my peers' lives. I no longer felt like I had to post a certain amount to maintain some sort of social ranking amongst my peers.
3. I was genuinely HAPPIER, my mental health improved!
Going off of number 2, after I stopped caring so much about my image on social media and what other people were posting I became a much happier person. It is important to remember that people are only posting their best moments on the internet, so you are not seeing a lot of the behind the scenes stuff. Other people are stressed sometimes and maybe they even ugly cry once in a while, just like you. When I stopped comparing my life to other peoples lives I became a lot happier.
4. My self esteem improved
Besides all of your peers, there is also the pressure of famous people and how they look. Not stalking all of the gorgeous, famous people on my feeds an unhealthy amount made me stop comparing how I looked to them. I also realized that a lot of the people on my instagram feed did not look the same as the people I see every day, technology can do things that can make you go crazy. My mental health thanks me for this change every single day.
5. My relationships improved
When I stopped using texting as the only means of communication with people and started actually making plans to see other people, all of my relationships improved. Something about hanging out with a person, actually talking to them face to face, and being forced to talk about REAL things with them that makes you grow closer to people.
If how my life has changed is not convincing enough, I urge you to try to chill without your phone sometimes and see how your own life improves.