You Don’t Always Need To Say Sorry
I will readily admit to you all that I struggle with self confidence and more often than not, I doubt myself and apologize when I do something, that quite frankly, does not need an apology. A prime example of this is when I’m swamped with homework and I have to tell a friend that I can’t go out with them that night because I have a class early in the morning. That is not something to apologize for. Yes, recognizing when you do something wrong is important, but it is also important to not consistently apologize for doing something that you need to do. I am the kind of person, where I will torment myself over making a decision. I will refrain from doing something that I need for myself out of fear that I will hurt or inconvenience others, when in reality, the only thing that really bothers them is my complete inability to make a decision and stick with it.
A prime example was last year when I was seeing someone. I knew that my heart was not in the right place for a romantic relationship, but I wasn’t sure if he felt the same way. So I put myself through this agonizing decision, was I going to stay with him or was I going to be honest and risk hurting his feelings? In the end, I lucked out and he ended up not being bothered by us just being friends. However, some are not so lucky. I have had friends stick in relationships, or even friendships that they weren’t into anymore out of fear of hurting the other person. But here’s the thing: you can’t blame yourself for following your heart and your gut. You cannot help the fact that you might outgrow significant others and even friends. Apologizing for something like that, something you can’t control is just not necessary. And if you’re around someone who makes you feel bad for doing whats right for you, then maybe you should reconsider who you spend your time with, because, I can guarantee you that those who truly love you unconditionally will respect and accept the fact that you have to do what is right for you.