I can't tell you how many times I've been told, "You don't need makeup."
First of all, nobody needs makeup. Let's stop assuming that people who wear makeup are trying to hide something. Let's stop assuming that they are only doing it for attention. Stop assuming that they are not still beautiful when the makeup comes off.
Memes like this one infuriate me. You can't honestly tell me that you think people naturally have red lips? Or one-inch eyelashes and colored eyelids? This woman is beautiful with and without makeup. Makeup is not some kind of trick designed to fool people. It is empowering. It makes people feel even more beautiful than they already are. And that's OK. If wearing makeup makes you feel better, more confident, happier, etc., then go for it. Just know that it's your choice.
As you can probably tell, I am not anti-makeup. I am not making some kind of statement by not wearing makeup. I am not judging people who do wear makeup. I envy those who have the talent to contour and apply false eyelashes. The most I can do is apply some mascara every now and then.
If I am not against makeup, why would I not wear it?
The answer is very simple. It has nothing to do with self-confidence or my beliefs about makeup. Honestly, I just don't want to. I don't want to wake up hours earlier than I do just to apply makeup. I don't want to deal with the frustration of trying to get my eyeliner perfect. I don't have any interest in going to makeup stores and looking for the perfect foundation. None of that is who I am. And that's OK, too.
It's OK to be passionate about makeup, but it's also OK to have no interest in it at all. I am not less of a woman because my morning routine takes about 15 minutes. I am not less of a woman because I don't get excited about a new line of lipstick.
There's a definite stigma attached to people who don't wear makeup, just like there is one attached to those who do. If a woman chooses not to wear makeup, she's uptight. She's boring. She's not feminine. If a woman chooses to wear makeup, she's hiding something. She's insecure. She's overly-feminine. If a man chooses to wear makeup, the whole world falls apart (even though men have been wearing makeup for a very long time). Ignore it.
Nobody else matters. You do what makes you happy, because it's your life. It is your right to do what you want to with your own body. Who cares what anyone else thinks?
If you find yourself being one of those people who judge (because we all do it), just take a step back and think for a moment. Is the person you are judging offending you in any way? Is this person's choice to do what they want to with their body going to affect you? Does it have any impact on you whatsoever? More than likely, the answer is no. It has been programmed into us to feel a certain way about others. Just question yourself when you start to judge them, because sometimes that's the best you can do.