Yes, you read that right. Shocking, isn't it? Well it shouldn't be because guess what? Not every female wants to have children, and THAT'S OKAY.
Before I go any further, I want to clarify that I don't dislike children, I've worked with them before, so obviously I do like them a little. I just don't want my own.
"When do you plan on having children?"
Probably never. I'm not flat out saying no because who knows what the future will hold? But I'm about 99.99% sure I won't be having children.
"How come you don't want children?"
1. They're disgusting. I get grossed out very easily, so the thought of changing a baby's diaper and cleaning up their spit makes me want to gag.
2. I'm selfish. I know that seems weird to say, but it's true. There are so many things I want to do and having to take a baby along with me seems like too much work.
3. They're expensive. I can barely afford things for myself. How will I be able to afford another human's life?
4. They're loud. No matter where I go, whether it be a restaurant, the mall, or anywhere really, there is ALWAYS a crying baby. It never fails.
"Oh, you'll change your mind when you get a little older"
Yeah, no I won't. I'm 23, how much older do you want me to be?
"What if your husband wants children?"
That's not my problem. My body, my choice!“But I want to be a grandmother”
Sorry. I'm not really sure what else to say.