There are several moments in life where you're not so sure what to say to someone, more importantly, WOMEN. It doesn't matter how long you sit there and think about what you should say, you can never seem to find the right words. Even sometimes women run into this with other women. Men, you're not alone. Trust me, we know we are confusing and sensitive. Here are a couple things you should probably avoid when talking to a woman and what she's probably thinking when you say the wrong thing..
1. "Are you on your period, is that why you're so grumpy?"
This is probably the worst thing you could ever say to a woman. NO, we're not always grumpy just because we are on our period. Sometimes, you still get on my nerves. It is not my period, it's you.
2. "Is that what you're going to wear?"
Yes, obviously I didn't put it on for fun. I wanna wear this, is that okay? Woman do not want you to question them on what they're gonna wear for the day or for the occasion we got dressed up for. If you don't like what she's wearing, then tell her.
3. "Calm down."
I don't need to calm down. You need to give me space before I punch you in the face. This isn't just for women, I am pretty sure this applies to all sexes. Telling someone to calm down makes them even angrier. AVOID THIS AT ALL COST.
4. "I don't care."
You better start caring. Even if you really don't care, you should probably act like you do.
5. "You're Crazy."
WOAH, this is gonna get you a one-way ticket to the dog house. She may be crazy but never tell her that. Girls do not like to be told that they are crazy. It doesn't matter what sentence you put it in, women will always find a way to get mad about it. So, do us both a favor and just don't say it.
6. "My Ex....."
"We don't want to know about your ex. You're going to make us angry when you say that. You ex is your past, keep them there.
7. "Don't take this the wrong way, but..."
Excuse me, back up. I am definitely going to take this the wrong way.
8. "You remind me of (any woman)."
Don't tell us we remind you of another woman, that is only going to upset us.
9. "You ask a lot of questions."
I am curious, get over it. We don't care how you feel about our curiosity, just answer my questions.
10. "I was kidding."
They say that when you're "just kidding", part of what you're saying is true. So, please dont kid around.
I really hope that this helped you at least a little bit. Not every girl gets upset about the same things, so I can't help in all categories. But, this is a majority of the phrases people tend to use that get women pretty heated.